Tag Archives: Wolfgang Gartner

Five Four Fridays. #14

27 Jan

I swear that ever since I’ve started having Fridays off, they always feel like Saturdays. I roll out of bed and step out into the world in my laziest attire, expecting to be greeted by a city still half asleep. Wrong. I stand out like a supercar in a small town, but with not nearly such a positive reaction. At least it forces me to pull myself together and get on with my day.  On that note, on with the tuneage.

First up we’ve got a track that my buddy back home brought to my attention. The creator is an eighteen year old producer from way down south in Sydney. Although most his tracks are fairly similar, the guy definitely has talent so it’ll be wicked to see where he goes. Next up is an awesome track from someone whom I know absolutely nothing about. Then we’ve got a remix wizard’s take on the new Rusko single. Up after that is some new stuff to be released on Lazy Rich’s label so you know it’s good. Lastly there is a mind blowing remix of an already insane track. Brace yourself.

Love from your no longer unemployed Internet friend,



Walden – Brightness (Original Mix) [Mediafire]


W&W – Nowhere To Go ft. Bree (Shogun Remix) [Mediafire]


Rusko – Somebody To Love (Aylen Remix) [SoundCloud]

Killagraham – Silence (Original Mix) [PurchaseOnly]


Knife Party – Internet Friends (Poisound Remix) [Mediafire]

Bonus Mix.

Two UVic students with incredible taste in electronic music made yet another awesome monthly mix… for free. Get some.

Fargey & Pasternak – February 2012 Mix [SoundCloud]

Bonus Previews.

Minero – Bi-Polar [ListenOnly]

Wolfgang Gartner – There And Back (Original Mix) [ListenOnly]

Five Four Fridays. #2

7 Oct

Ah yes, Thanksgiving. The time of year you get to spend with your family and of course, turkey. This year, I won’t be getting either of those things for the first time in my life. Instead, I have opted to replace them both with copious amounts of beer. I swear I had no other choice.

Kitchener, Ontario, is home of the second largest beer festival in the world aside from the real Oktoberfest in Berlin. The reason why is that Kitchener actually used to be called Berlin. Makes sense right? Either way, after my marketing class, my friends and I will be immediately heading out for what will most certainly be one of the most ridiculous nights of the year. Here are some tracks for you to get ridiculous to as well, or a soundtrack for eating turkey if that’s what you’re into.

Happy Thanksgivin’er everybody,


Check back tomorrow mid afternoon for DL links. Running out of time again here.

Zuri – Trapfield (Neologic Remix) [Mediafire]

Madeon – Anthology (Wolfgang Gartner Mashup) [Mediafire]

Mayon – Might (Original Mix) [Mediafire]

Rabbit Killer & Farleon – Super Game [Mediafire]

And a new track from the amazing local Canadian producer OVERWERK. He always kills it in every genre he sets foot in.

Mac Graham – Midnight (OVERWERK Remix) [SoundCloud]

Prepare your ears for wild and wondrous things. [Edmond Huszar/OVERWERK]

30 Apr

Earlier last week, I told you lovely folk about the Ontario duo The Girls Can Hear Us. Edmond Huszar, the hard working producer behind their unique sound, has since moved on to bigger and better things and is doing his own solo project under the name OVERWERK. I was lucky enough to score an interview with him to find out a little more.

This young creative wonder hails from London, Ontario, a couple hours outside of downtown Toronto. He has only been churning out awesome bangers and technical electronic masterpieces as OVERWERK since last summer, but has been making music since a very early age. I think it’s quite easy to see and hear that his talent is far from unnoticeable and a true mystery as to why he hasn’t been snatched up by a label yet.

SSOM: So what kickstarted the whole DJ thing for you?

I was in grade nine, went to my highschool dance and there were weak tunes. In grade ten a friend and I rented everything we needed and learnt to DJ on the spot. Did every dance from grade ten on.

SSOM: How would you describe your style?

Classy crispy electro, powerful enough influence your mood. My tunes usually reflect how I’m feeling. They are an expression of creativity. I’m always learning and improving, so my style and sound will always be a progression.

SSOM: There’s definitely a Daft Punk-ish feel to your music and obviously they’re a major influence to you, are there any others?

Daft Punk influenced the entire electronic genre over the last decade so any electronic artist you hear will have some Daft Punk influence. I’m making music far different from what I was making a year ago though, so lately I think my sound is most influenced by Muse, The Strokes, Wolfgang Gartner, Porter Robinson, Mord Fustang and Chrizz Luvly. Electro house of today has become everything I wanted my music to sound like two years ago.

SSOM: I love the recent collaborations with Andy’s iLL, but who is that guy?

To me Andy was a random dude from London who messaged me on SoundCloud asking if he could remix one of my tunes. I said why not just come by and we’ll do a collaboration? He came over, we made Death Electro and became great friends. We’ve learnt a lot from each other and that’s the best type of friend; someone who influences you to grow and become a better person.

SSOM: Obviously the Southern Ontario electro/house/electronic scene is huge, any more collabs coming up with some of the other up-and-comers?

The Southern Ontario electronic scene has fucking exploded. The MDMA scene has also blown up equally… I’m always down to collaborate, but I like collaborating with someone in a different genre. A different perspective can put a really fresh spin on what you are used to.

SSOM: What advice would you give to young DJ’s/producers out there?

If you don’t produce music, don’t become a club DJ, there is a major over-saturation and there are plenty of weddings and barmitzva’s that could use you. If you are actually talented and passionate about music, Research and learn as much as you possibly can.  The more you understand about sound and production, the better you will be.  Surround yourself with people and music that inspires you.  Hang out with people that are better than you; the people you are around always rub off on you, if your friends are better than you, you will always learn and grow from them. Don’t concentrate so much on pimping yourself, good things tends to be discovered and sought after.  If it’s great, it will be shared, if it’s not… that’s why no one has heard of you.

SSOM: I noticed that all your music is up for free on SoundCloud, and even your upcoming EP, The Nth º, is going to be available for free. How could anyone from outside of Ontario support you?

If anyone wants to support what I do, the best thing is to just suggest my facebook.com/overwerk page to their friends. Also if people in their areas just talked to promoters, try and create a demand for my music, it helps a lot with my bookings for sure.

SSOM: Any plans for touring in the near future?

A tour is tough to organize being an independent artist like I am. More likely just one off shows, and maybe a couple stop tours if I fly to different countries.

SSOM: Aside from Daft Punk, who would you love to open for/have as an opening act?

I’d love to share the stage with… too many artists to name. I respect so many artists, the list would go on and on.

SSOM: Any particular favourite venue or venues I should check out when I move out there?

(laughs) Depends where you are moving. Toronto? I’ll wait to see which ones book me, that might sway my opinion.

SSOM: Of all the stages in the world, where would you most want to rock out?

Somewhere in Europe or Asia. I’d love to go to Korea or Japan, their culture is like a whole other world, and just imagine how many people would come out to jam. Europe has a strong appreciation for electronic music as opposed to North America where a big name artist is an excuse to get drunk and drop pills. – I know there are many in North America who appreciate good music, but there are many more who just follow the trends.

SSOM: You’re obviously quite the creative, any other talents besides music?

My original passion is visual art. I’m pretty good at drawing, painting and design. I’m also pretty good at film and editing. If I were to start a creative agency of some sort I’m pretty sure I could handle any department. “Over worked” was originally the name of my graphic portfolio.

SSOM: So that’s where your stage name came from?

I had named my graphic portfolio “overworked” because I’m always working on so many projects. I really liked the ring it had and decided to use it when I went solo. I changed “worked” to “werk” in tribute to “Kraftwerk” who were pioneers in the electronic music genre.

SSOM: In a feature on Remix-Nation you expressed interest to open an advertising agency in the future, any chance you’d hire me as a copywriter?

I liked your interview questions, they were creative. If that is what you are interested in, keep in touch. I’ll see where this blog takes you 😉

This is the part where I’d usually say go buy some of the artist’s stuff or go to their shows to support them, but since you may not live in Ontario, let alone Canada, pump up the demand for OVERWERK in your city and become a fan of him on facebook to receive updates and spread the word.

I expect to hear about your bangover tommorow morning,



Andy’s iLL & OVERWERK – Stop, Drop & Roll

Andy’s iLL & OVERWERK – Death Electro

OVERWERK – Over It ft. DJ Mateus

OVERWERK – Feedback ft. Texas King

OVERWERK – The Nth º

OVERWERK – I Am London

Wolfgang Gartner – Space Junk (OVERWERK Remix)

Wolfgang Gartner – Conscindo (OVERWERK Remix)

Daft Punk – The Son Of Flynn (OVERWERK Remix)

Silver Medallion – Live Forever (OVERWERK Remix)


This is a mashup that he released three days ago.

OVERWERK – Somebody Louder

All these bangin tunes and more can be found on his SoundCloud page.

Why, hello Friday.

11 Feb

Another week gone by and yet another Friday is upon us. Another opportunity to get slammered and make a fool of ourselves. Another chance to cause madness and mischief and blame it on the contents of our beverages. Another chance to be a part of photos that will float to the surface of the internet in no time so the world laugh at certain individuals’ inability to contain large quantities of a certain liquid elixir.

I will not be partaking in these type of events described in run-on sentences tonight. If you happen to be one of those individuals, here are a few tracks to keep you going throughout the course of the evening. I will leave you with two simple pieces of advice: Try to stay out of the camera’s way and drink plenty of water. You’ll be thanking yourself tomorrow morning.

Keep it minty,


Duck Sauce – Barbara Streisand (Original Mix)

Wolfgang Gartner – Undertaker (Original Mix)

Then Jeans – Balloons (Bird Peterson Remix)

F.O.O.L. – We Are Not French (The Noisy Freaks Remix)

Pendulum – Witchcraft (Chuckie Remix)

Justice – Phantom Pt II (Boys Noize Remix)

Calvin Harris – Stars Come Out (Rektchordz Remix)