Tag Archives: Special Features

Spotlight Saturdays. #7 [Eden Anderson/Special Features]

14 Jan

Today is a special day. My buddies DAKK vs SLICE killed it when they opened for Adventure Club last night, and now I have the madness that is to come in a mere five hours to look forwards to. One of my good friends is having his birthday shindig tonight, and countless amounts of hard earned dollars are being pumped into the evening. Yes, we’re going to be those ridiculous people with booths and bottles and all that tomfoolery. Be jealous. Those aren’t even the biggest reason why today is special. A little under a month ago, I managed to get a hold of a major up and comer for an interview before he got some well deserved exposure from my favourite Swedish duo.

Eden Anderson is a twenty one year old producer from London, UK. Make sure to put this bloke on your ‘watch in 2012’ list. With a fully loaded arsenal of potent remixes and a handful of originals on the way, there’s no telling how big of an impact he’ll make on the scene this year. He’s already out-remixed talents such as Uppermost, Swanky Tunes, Vodge Diper, Caveat, and even Kaskade when he won Dada Life’s remix competition. For each remix, he creates a melody which ends up overtaking the original; something incredibly hard to pull off yet he does this on a regular basis. Sign of a future EDM great? I think so.


SSOM: How long have you been dabbling in electronic music?

I used to produce rap and hip hop, but I’ve been producing house for the past 2 years! I didn’t start DJing until my first year at college. I wanted to raise more of an awareness for the EDM scene so I set up a student club night where myself and a few local DJ’s would play the latest electronic music to students in my city.

SSOM: In a scene that is quickly becoming dominated by heavy bass and complex beats and sounds, what made you go with the lighter, more melodic approach to electro as an emerging artist?

I love bass, but don’t like making tracks that are all about the heavy bass line because it will just be compared to another track with a heavy bass. There seems to be a competition on how filthy a track can sound, and that’s just not what I’m about. Nobody should underestimate the power of a really good melody. It can infect your mind much better than a heavy bass line can.

SSOM: Just from listening to the melodies you use in all of your tracks, you definitely have a musical ear. Have you been involved in music for a long time?

Though I’ve never had classical training, I played the guitar, drums and piano from a young age, so I guess the answer to your question is yes (laughs).

SSOM: So, you’re a student and music is a hobby for you from what I’ve read. Mind if I ask what you’re taking?

I’m studying music production at music college. I’ve learned a lot about the studio environment and the business/industry aspects of music from attending the college, but all the skills I’ve picked up in my tracks are mainly down to watching a lot of YouTube tutorials (laughs).

 SSOM: Have you had the chance to dazzle the live public with your style yet? If not, any plans to?

Only a little, but nothing major yet. It’s definitely something I want to pursue this year!

SSOM: I’ve definitely got you on my ‘keep an eye on’ list, so aside from the possibility of live shows, what can the world expect from Special Features in 2012?

What I really want to work on over the next few months is making people realise that I’m not essentially a remixer but an artist, and I’m gonna do this by putting out a lot more original work.

SSOM: If it weren’t for ChubbyBeavers.com, I would have never found your old original work. Please tell me there’s an EP in the works with more original sounds?

Maybe.. You will have to wait and see 😉 I have a few collabs in the making with some talented up and comers and I can’t wait to release them to the world!

SSOM: Definitely looking forwards to it. How do you feel about winning the Dada Life remix competition and getting some serious exposure? I’d imagine your inbox must be flooding lately.

Surprised but obviously over the moon. It has been great promotion. A lot more people are finding out about my music because of the competition and that’s what I’m constantly trying to achieve when I put up my remixes. My main goal is trying to reach out to as many people as I can, because I believe that to be successful in such a competitive industry, you have to take that just as seriously as the music. As for the e-mails, they’ve been pretty crazy! I’ve had to make sure to flag the important ones so they don’t get lost under all the others (laughs).

SSOM: What’s your setup for production?

Simply a laptop running Fruity Loops and some headphones right now. I have a midi keyboard but it’s locked in the basement and rarely comes out!

SSOM: I always like to know what other artists choose to listen to. What are your top five tracks/artists lately? 

Madeon – ‘Icarus’

Mat Zo – ‘Fractal Universe’ (oldie but a goodie)

Zedd – ‘Slam The Door’

Mord Fustang – ‘We Are All Connected’

Phaeleh – ‘Afterglow’ (Chilled and a bit dubsteppy. One of my all time favs)

SSOM: One last thing, why Special Features?

The true origins of SF are mysterious and many of my friends claim to have bestowed it upon me, but regardless of this, it is a name that has stuck throughout my teenage years.


I cannot stress enough how much talent this guy has, and I cannot wait to see how far his musicality will carry him. Considering he’s also in school for the very industry in which he’s breaking into, I’d say he has a bright future ahead of him.



Dada Life – Happy Violence ft. Sue Cho (Special Features Remix) [PurchaseOnly]

Calvin Harris – Feel So Close (Special Features Remix) [Mediafire]

David Guetta & Avicii – Sunshine (Special Features Remix) [Mediafire]

Deadmau5 – Strobe (Special Features Remix) [Mediafire]

Max Vangeli – Look Into Your Heart ft. Max C (Special Features Remix) [Mediafire]


Special Features – Red Nosed Mix [Mediafire]


1. Calvin Harris – Feel So Close (Special Features Remix) 
2. Dada Life – Kick out the Epic Motherfucker (Original Mix)
3. Michael Brun – Dawn (Hardwell Edit)
4. Marcel Wood – 3stortion (Marcel Woods Treatment)
5. Nitrous Oxide – iPeople (Special Features Edit)
6. Dirty South & Thomas Gold – Alive (Tommy Trash Remix)
7. Kaskade & Skrillex – Lick it (Original Mix)
8. Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso vs. Special Features, Max Vangeli & Max C – Calling Your Heart (Michael Brun Mashup)
9. Avicii – Levels (Clockwork Remix)
10. Lucky Date – Ho’s and Discos (Space Laces Remix)
11. Paris FZ & Simo T- Monk (Original Mix)
12. Special Features – ID **** (Melody From Happy Violence Remix)
13. David Guetta ft. Sia – Titanium (Nicky Romero Remix)
14. Deadmau5 – Strobe (Special Features Remix)
15. Bombs Away – Super Soaker (Rocket Pimp Remix)

Keep up with Eden.




Back to life. #10

18 Dec

I apologize for my absence so this should do it for all the weekend warriors.

Yours truly,


Five Four Fridays.

It’s been a while hasn’t it. My body has been to hell and back in the past three weeks. I honestly hadn’t slept properly in over a month because of all the papers, projects, presentations, stresses, and poor time management. I don’t think that I would have made it through if it weren’t for the sort of music that I’m giving you an abundance of below. Something about electronic music has always fascinated me. The music itself always gets knocked for being anything but, but that’s not the point I’m getting at. There’s just something that the music does to people. You could power an entire city with the energy that a venue exudes when the combination of man and machine produce just the right amount of beats and bass. One could go to a solid show without any sort of party additive and get high off the vibes. It’s honestly indescribable. Unfortunately, the scene lately has made drugs trendy again, but hey, you can’t win every battle.

Below is another amazing remix from none other than the electro guru himself, a rework form a highly underrated Torontonian, a random mix that I had sent to me last week, a poppy but still wickedly awesome remix from a DJ who’s name I always get wrong, and finally the release of one of the best remixes of the year from a guy who’s alias has no relation whatsoever to his hometown of Atlanta. Hopefully they can keep you going too.

Chris Lake – Sundown (Lazy Rich Remix) [Mediafire]

Kaskade – 4AM (Adam K & Soha Remix) [Mediafire]

La Roux – Bulletproof (Tiborg Remix) [Mediafire]

Dev – Kiss My Lips ft. Fabolous (DJ Kue Remix) [Mediafire]

Kaskade – Turn It Down ft. Rebecca & Fiona (Le Castle Vania Remix) [Mediafire]

Bonus Mix.

Forty five uninterrupted minutes of a UK up and comer? Heck yes.

Special Features – Red Nosed Mix [Mediafire]

Bonus Insanity.

Two new bangers for the rowdy shelf and a dirty filthy remix that may cause moments of body tossing to the beat.

Avicii – Levels (Skrillex Remix) [Mediafire]

Charlie Darker – Deadroll (Original Mix) [SoundCloud]

Porter Robinson – Unison (Knife Party Remix) [Mediafire]

Spotlight Saturdays.

When I was flat broke not too long ago, Dada Life tickets went on sale here in Vancouver (Yes, I’m back in rain city for the holidays). I cried on the inside in combination with the sounds of a five year old girl sobbing that were in no way coming from myself. The Swedish goonshow puts on my all time favourite electro show hands down. The amount of fun and shenanigans that these guys have while performing should land them a reality TV show. Not to mention the effect that it has on the equally ridiculous crowd.

Thank goodness that my friend kept me up to date with their tour stop in Toronto the day after I sadly sold my car so I could afford to purchase tickets which I literally just did. There was no way that I’d miss out on the most fun I’ve had on a dance floor twice in a months time. I don’t really need to say much more about these guys since the new music video sort of speaks for itself. If you’re a fellow ticket holder and love bananas and champagne, you’re in for a treat because there will be no shortage of either at the show. Don’t even try to tell me that’s not an awesome combination.

Dada Life – Kick Out The Epic Motherfucker (Original Mix) [Mediafire]

MVSEVM – French Jeans (Dada Life Remix) [Mediafire]

Dada Life – Happy Violence ft. Sue Cho (Vocal Mix) [Mediafire]

Alex Gopher – Handguns (Dada Life Remix) [Mediafire]

Dada Life – White Noise Red Meat (Original Mix) [Mediafire]

Kaskade – Dynasty ft. Haley (Dada Life Remix) [Medafire]


Dada Life – Happy Violence (Caveat Remix) [Mediafire]

Dada Life – Happy Violence (Uppermost Remix) [Medaifire]

Dada Life – Happy Violence (Vodge Diper Remix) [Mediafire]

Five Four Fridays. #6

4 Nov

Why do Thursdays always have to be rowdy? Somehow I always get convinced to go out on Thursday nights despite having class at nine the next morning. This was probably one of the roughest mornings since I’ve been here in Toronto since, if I can recall, we were asleep by about five in the morning. On top of extreme lack of sleep, my phone finally kicked the bucket. It’s weird not being able to be reached so easily, I kind of like it.

Even though I’m most likely staying in tonight to make some headway on my multiple assignments, I’ve got some solid tunes for you all this week. A needle in the haystack of many Ellie remixes, a new remix from an upcoming UK producer, another new amazing remix from a Halifax based producer, the most unique of the many new amazing Happy Violence remixes, and a new original from the always amazing and wonderfully Canadian producer from London, Ontario.

OVERWERK’s manager actually sent me an email yesterday about his new track featured below, perfect timing. As it turns out, Ed was actually commissioned to make ‘Buzzin’ for a group of Norwegian kids. They’re planning on using it as their theme song when they celebrate Russefeiring next May. You can scope out their Facebook page to see what I’m on about.

Anybody have a spare Bell phone to donate?


Ellie Goulding – Lights (Dave Edwards Extended Remix) [SoundCloud]

Deadmau5 – Strobe (Special Features Remix) [Mediafire]

My Internet is incredibly unreliable at the moment, so the link for this track will be up tomorrow.

Dirty South – Alive ft. Thomas Gold & Kate Elsworth (Dezza Remix) [Mediafire]

Justice much?

Dada Life – Happy Violence (Uppermost Remix) [Medaifire]

OVERWERK – Buzzin’ (Original Mix) [SoundCloud]

Five Four Fridays. #3

14 Oct

I hate history. Nothing against the accomplishments of our predecessors, I simply hate it as a study. Unfortunately, my program has decided to include a history section. Although it is based on the beginnings of advertising, I have almost zero interest, yet I put my head down and studied for the midterm. The exam was filled with questions about minute details and facts in history, like which copywriter has measles as a child. How is that even worth remembering? I hate it.

Since the exam is over, I think a drink or four is in order. As usual, let’s get some tuneage going for tonight’s ritual. I’ve got a few tasty tracks for you this week. 3LAU has released a new mashup, MegaMan & Panic City have reworked the now insanely popular song from the incredible film Drive, a wicked remix from the 20 year old London producer Special Features, and a few other bangers to keep you moving.

Cheers to history,



3LAU – Jupiter Unison (Dallask & Porter Robinson Mashup) [SoundCloud]

Sexy Haus.

Calvin Harris – Feel So Close (Special Features Remix) [Mediafire]

College – A Real Hero ft. Electric Youth (MegaMan & Panic City Remix) [Mediafire]

Calvin Harris – Flashback (Otto Knows Remix) (Avicii Bootleg) [Mediafire]

A little insanity.

Deadmau5 – Raise Your Weapon (Noisia Remix) [Mediafire]