Tag Archives: Indie Rock

Three For Thursday.

16 Nov

Could this be a new weekly feature? We shall see. I’ve been waist deep in projects and massive assignments lately, and I’m not even joking with that. Spent the entire day in a class or with a computer screen in front of me, working on my massive design project due in a week. Even my roommate spent twelve consecutive hours in the library. It’s crunch time for students across the GTA. Three more weeks…

To lighten the mood a little bit, here are three bouncy tracks for Thursday (see what I did there?). CHAPPO is a group of four quirky dudes from Brooklyn, New York, and you can get their entire EP for free on Bandcamp. Woo! Light FM is actually not a radio station, but a quartet from LA made up of two guys and two gals. The group is actually picking up momentum and has played with the likes of RaRaRiot and The National. They’ve got a new album out called Buzz Kill City, and I suggest you scope it out if you like what you hear. The last group I hadn’t actually heard before having the track posted below sent to me after this year’s SXSW festival. They’re from North Carolina and make sweet music. Enough said.



CHAPPO – Come Home [Mediafire]

Light FM – Friends Aren’t Friends [Mediafire]

I Was Totally Destroying It – Come Out, Come Out [Mediafire]

May as well throw in RAC’s new mix as well, suits the mood.

Body Language – Holiday (RAC Mix) [Mediafire]

Don’t worry, be happy.

24 Oct

So one of my friends is having a bad day, it happens. People read too far into texts all the time. It is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. How can you honestly say after a fight that a text ‘sounded’ mad.  Texts are faceless, voiceless, and oftentimes pointless blurbs put together in about fifteen seconds without a second thought. If I was mad, I would say those three words as opposed to dancing around meaninglessly in a hundred and sixty characters or less. Anyways, on to happier thoughts and happier tunes.

I’m a big fan of raw, simple music. It’s the reason why I love bands like Matt & Kim. It’s the reason why I love Jason Mraz more when only equipped with a guitar and no band. It’s the reason why I love going to live concerts, and why I love the music that these young Finnish guys are making. I stumbled across this fourtet on SoundCloud last week, and I couldn’t have been happier to have found the long lost, incredibly talented love child of The Kooks and Two Door Cinema Club (they’re actually not love children, just an analogy). Either way, keep an eye on these cats in the near future, I’m expecting big things.

This one’s for you bud,


Satellite Stories – Family [Mediafire]

Satellite Stories – Helsinki Art Scene [PurchaseOnly]

Satellite Stories – Mexico [PurchaseOnly]

Satellite Stories – Kids Aren’t Safe In The Metro [Mediafire]

And today’s soundtrack is…

18 Sep

I love birthdays. Yesterday it was one of my friends from here at school and one of my best friends from home’s day of birth. Obviously I couldn’t celebrate the latter, but I went out for the party here; and party we did. Obviously, that would make today a well deserved rest day. Cue the music.

Last week I finally got a chance to get my digital hands on a copy of the young London foursome Bombay Bicycle Club’s third record. The album is titled A Different Kind Of Fix, and was finally released at the end of August after insane anticipation from the earlier release of the single, Shuffle. To be honest, I hadn’t heard of this group before Shuffle, but it is easy to tell after listening to all three records that their sound has definitely matured. Not that there was anything wrong with their style before, but it becomes apparent after the first three tracks that there is a certain emotional and experimental depth to the new songs. I’ve been playing the album nonstop since I bought it so I can’t stress enough how much I recommend you do the same.

Someone needs to invent a reliable hangover cure,


Bombay Bicycle Club – Lights Out, Words Gone [Mediafire]

Bombay Bicycle Club – Shuffle [Mediafire]

Soundcloud’s copyright policy forbids me from uploading the next two tracks so you can’t listen to them without downloading them. Trust me, they are both simply beautiful tracks and well worth the click.

Bombay Bicycle Club – Fracture [Mediafire]

Bombay Bicycle Club – Still [Mediafire]

Music to make up for my tomfoolery.

18 Aug

Well folks, I’m here at my family cabin in Port Alberni on Vancouver island. For whatever reason, it is quite difficult to find good beer here in this pocket of the West coast. The local wobbly pop of choice is Lucky beer, and that doesn’t quite fly with me. Thankfully, a few of my father’s old friends from university came up to join us here and one of them is quite the beer connoisseur and took to filling our fridge full of proper brewskies. Long story short, I’ve been getting my fix and it is making typing quite difficult.

For fear of embarrassing myself, I’m simply going to say that these boys from New Orleans can play some sweet tunes; not to mention that one of them bears one of the sweetest first names of all time. Grant and Ted were the founding fathers of the group, The Eames Era, who were actually quite a big deal up until their break up three years ago. The duo has continued on with providing the world with wicked music for the past two years. That is all.

Thank goodness for auto correct,


Generationals – Greenleaf [Mediafire]

Generationals – Trust [Mediafire]

Generationals – Ten- Twenty-Ten [Mediafire]

Get your swagger ready.

28 Jun

Last week I got an email from some dude, somewhere, named Sean, containing the song that I am about to share with you. He said that this is the second best song to jam to whilst walking down the street since The Virgins’ Rich Girls takes the cake on that one. I’ve been searching around for any information on these guys, but the only thing I could find was this sweet little anecdote that I’ve posted below. I hope you find this song as awesome as I do.

On May 13th, 1982, an atmospheric anomaly off the coast of Goza Shirahama beach in Mie, Japan produced a thick mist which, for a short time, made it impossible to see the ocean. In interviews held later that year, the government would claim that this bizarre weather was result of an chemical fire at a petroleum plant some miles down the coast. The local fishermen would tell a very different story. Fujiwara Kamatari recalls “three brilliant flashes of light descending from the sky in sequence.” That day, shrouded in mystery, eventually faded into folklore and popular mythology.

In reality, May 13th marked the arrival of the Frontier Brothers from Neptune, where they had been incubating for seven thousand years. These space soldiers were sent to earth to protect humanity from certain disaster. Fully aware of the skeptical nature of earthlings, The Frontier Brothers wove the secrets of space into the greatest and most important rock songs of all time. Now, in the year 2008, The Frontier Brothers have finally made their presence known. Marshall Galactic, Travis Newman, and Moses are embarking on the ultimate invasion of the planet – a preemptive measure calculated to destroy the forces of evil which have been amassing their power. In short: The Frontier Brothers are your friends.

Excuse me while I strut right down to the Dirty South DJ set tonight,


The Frontier Brothers – The Strut [Mediafire]