Tag Archives: Hoodie Allen

Music to match the sunshine.

28 Jul

I swear Mother Nature has been going through menopause the past few months. Us here in Vancouver have been absolutely robbed of our summer. Since June, there has maybe been about eight days of glorious sunshine. Because of this, there has been a lack of campfires, beach days, pool parties, and feel good music.

I’ll always have a soft spot for catchy, upbeat, poppy rap. Something about it just makes you want to do a keg stand and party on a beach. I like to call this stuff Hip Pop. Steven Markowitz, better known as Hoodie Allen, is one of the fellows that has the chops and talent to make this sort of music. He is a 22 year old, unsigned and in no hurry to sign, university grad, ex Google employee from New York. Not only does he make an abundance of this feel good music, he provides it all for free. Yes, completely free and no strings attached. About three days ago he released his third mixtape called Leap Year. Below are a few of my top picks but you can get the entire collection here.

Now you’ve got the tunes to throw a pool party so be sure to invite me,


Hoodie Allen – The Chase is On

Hoodie Allen – #WhiteGirlProblems

Hoodie Allen – Soul On Fire

A couple others worth having a listen to.

Hoodie Allen – Words Of Wisdom

Hoodie Allen – You Are Not A Robot

Hoodie Allen – Swimming With Sharks

If you want some more, just Google his name and you’ll be able to find the other mixtapes with ease.