Tag Archives: Hip Hop

Five Four Fridays. #18

30 Mar

Today’s mixtape is a bit of a change. If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you might have figured out by now that I seriously enjoy musicians are blending and bending genres. I love it when an artist takes aspects from one type of music, and injects it into another. It’s one of the reasons that Andre Anjos of RAC is one of my all time favourite musicians. This mixtape below is a collection of five tracks that blur the lines between Electronic and Hip Hop. That’s right.

Two side notes on this one. Keep an eye on Popeska, a nineteen year old and coming producer from Atlanta. I’ve been following his work on SoundCloud for a while now, and he’s plays with a pretty versatile sound that will definitely be taking him places. It changes from track to track, but generally he has a hard style with intricate growls that could be compared to artists like Feed Me, but still keeps a level of catchy, melodic quality to each of his originals or remixes. Also, you might be asking, what is Mau5hax? It’s a new project that Deadmau5 tried out during Ultra in Miami. Basically five aspiring producers are chosen, and the entire Mau5trap crew help them hone their skills and collaborate for an entire day. Oh, and it’s all streamed live. Pretty amazing project and it was definitely worth tuning in for. I know this mixtape might not be for everyone, but the tracks are worth a listen if you enjoy either genre.

The only constant is change,




Zeds Dead – The One ft. Omar LinX
Big L – MVP (TYR Remix)
Deadmau5 – Failbait ft. Cypress Hill
Big L – Flamboyant (Popeska Remix)
Mau5hax – Titty Sprinkles ft. Foreign Beggars

Get the mixtape – fivefourfridays #18 [Mediafire]


Since I haven’t really had the time to post new music lately, here are a slew of tracks that are worth your while to make up for my absence.


Axwell – In My Mind ft. Georgi Kay, Ivan Gough, Feenixpawl (Special Features Edit) [Mediafire]

Steve Aoki – Ladi Dadi ft. (Charles Deluxe Remix) [SoundCloud]

Felix Cartal – Black To White ft. Miss Palmer (Original Mix) [Purchase]

Martin Solveig – The Night Out (Madeon Remix) [Unreleased]


Wolfgang Gartner – Push & Rise (Prototype Raptop Remix) [SoundCloud]

Probe – Baila (Original Mix) [Purchase]

Nero – Crush On You (Sound Remedy Remix) [SoundCloud]

Sort Of Sick – Rebirth (Original Mix) [Purchase]


Zedd – Stars Come Out (Dillon Francis Remix) [Purchase]

Popeska – Sparks (Original Mix) [SoundCloud]

Mensura – Be Yourself (Mikkas Edit) [SoundCloud]


Finally Mord Fustang released a new EP. Last week his label dropped this out of the blue in the middle of the day and I almost let out a schoolgirl-esque squeal in the middle of lecture. Mord has done a bit of tweaking to his style and is definitely throwing in more bass to his sound. I honestly do like this EP, but it all becomes pretty repetitive. Each track is awesome but the second half is almost a perfect copy of the first. I hope to hear some pretty wicked remixes, bootlegs, and edits in the near future.

Mord Fustang – Welcome To The Future [Purchase]

Mord Fustang – The Majestic [Purchase]

Mord Fustang – Windwaker [Purchase]

Mord Fustang – Super Fever [Purchase]

Double Bonus.

Always love hearing new stuff from Ed. Giving it away for free as usual.

Hyper Crush – Werk Me (OVERWERK Remix) [SoundCloud]

Five Four Fridays. #17

16 Mar

I have a sunburn in March. How does that happen in Ontario? I thought I was going to be waist deep in snow and literally freezing to death this winter. Instead, I’m wearing sandals and shades and basking in the glorious warmth of the sun. By no means am I complaining, although it does make it pretty hard to get any work done, which I have a ridiculous amount of. Music to take my mind off of it all?
I think so.

Today I threw together a few tracks you can still rock hard to but have a sunny day bounce to them. Starts off with a classic from the UK’s most underrated producer, Phonat. Then goes into one of the latest tracks from the young Australian I’ve recently been following thanks to one half of Victoria’s WKND Warriors. Next up is the latest amazing work from one of my favourite producers out there, Behdad Nejatbakhshe; known as Uppermost by us who won’t endure the embarrassment of butchering his name. Then there is a track that was dropped in my inbox the other day by a girl named Kendra. Seriously good find, so the credit goes to her this time. Lastly we finish up with the latest rework from my second favourite French electro duo of all time. You should know who takes the cake on that one. Seriously hope you put these tracks to good use this St. Patty’s day weekend. They may not be Irish, but let’s be honest, neither are you.

May as well start pre-drinking for tomorrow,




Phonat – Set Me Free (Extended Mix)
Walden – At Last (Original Mix)
Uppermost – Life Is A Fight (Original Mix)
Mensura – Be Yourself (Original Mix)
NERVO – We’re All Someone ft. Steve Aoki & Afrojack (The Noisy Freaks Remix)

Bonus because I’m a huge fan.

The Noisy Freaks – Battle (Original Mix)

Get the mixtape – fivefourfridays #17 [Mediafire]


On another note, Deadmau5 and Cypress Hill? Yeah, that happened. I honestly can’t decide if I love this, or really, really dislike it.

Deadmau5 – Failbait ft. Cypress Hill [ListenOnly]


Take with plenty of Vitamin D.

9 Feb

I’m calling shenanigans on this whole brutal East Coast winter thing. It’s currently February, and if I look out my window I see clear blue skies and folks walking around in spring jackets zipped open. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining by any stretch of the imagination. Just slightly perplexed as to the reason why I had to spend so much effort into finding boots and thick sweaters for the winter that I was expecting: A real life rendition of The Day After Tomorrow. To compliment the sunshine, I put on my massive sunny day playlist when I was walking to class.

Mid frolic, one of my all time favourite tracks came on. If you don’t know of Matt & Kim, you’re in for such a treat. This Brooklyn couple have been making music together for about seven years now, and playing their instruments for exactly the same amount of time. That is one of the many things that makes them so great; their sound is raw, something I’m a huge fan of. Another reason I love these two is that they put on an awesome show. When I saw them a few years ago back home, they were jumping, dancing, and climbing non stop for the entirety of the show. The only time the madness momentarily ceased, was when Matt took the mic in hand and told us how much the two of them love playing music for people, to which the entire hall sat down and just listened. Don’t ever miss seeing them if you get a chance.

Seriously hope I didn’t jinx this weather,


In case you’re wondering, their last two albums, Sidewalks and Grand,  are well worth the pocket change from start to finish.

Matt & Kim – Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare [Purchase]

Matt & Kim – Daylight [Purchase]

Matt & Kim – Good For Great [Purchase]

Matt & Kim – Cameras [Purchase]


Matt & Kim – Daylight (Troublemaker Remix ft. De La Soul) [Purchase]

Haunting and beautiful do belong in the same sentence. [Adam Prince/Hectic Zeniths]

9 Jan

Back in September, I’d received an email that I embarrassingly overlooked in the midst of all the music submissions and suggestions for this site. This last month, I received yet another email containing the same artist’s work, but the difference was that a link to the entire album was provided. I swear I listened to that record from start to finish at least five times before bed. I responded back the next morning and was able to get the chance to ask a few unanswered questions to the artist, who graciously accepted.

Brooklyn born Adam Morgan Prince is the man behind the musical project titled Hectic Zeniths. The title is an anagram for the German word Zeitsciechten, meaning ‘layers of time.’ Once you hear the music, you’ll understand how fitting it is. Currently residing in Philadelphia, Adam has been working on this record for the past three years, pairing original piano compositions with dollar bin vinyl samples, live instrumentation and subtle vocals. Although Adam provides the majority of the building blocks for each track, the record features violinist Patrick Bailey, guitarist Dave Cohen, and The Yetti on drums. Each and every time I listen to it, I find it hard to believe that something so musically beautiful could come from a math teacher.


SSOM: So Adam, how long have you been making hauntingly beautiful sounds?

I’ve been creating music since I was about 12-13 years old…although the vast majority of the earliest music I made could hardly be described as hauntingly beautiful, most of it was pretty obnoxious sounding.  I always tinkered around making stuff up on piano, but never actually tried to sit down, write a short cohesive piece, and record it until I was about 21.  I’m 26 now.

SSOM: Correct me if I’m wrong, but from the sounds of it, you’ve had some classical piano training. Most people who layer their music and play each part individually simply use pianos as more of a filler or an added detail, whereas your keyed melodies can stand on their own and are actually quite impressive. Have you ever considered an a cappella or piano only B side to the EP?

Absolutely!  That was actually my original idea for the album – to have either a solo piano or version with no samples accompany the regular album as an alternate version.  I would still like to do something like that for a future Hectic Zeniths album.

SSOM: We have the meaning of the name ‘Hectic Zeniths,’ but what is its significance to you and why you chose it?

I’ve always loved hearing sounds being chopped and layered not just for the way they sound sound aesthetically, but the idea of it…the idea that the recordings captured by two different artists who may not have ever been in the same continent or been alive at the same time can be pieced together to create something new.  I wanted to use a name that would encompass not just the musical aspect of layering but the broader idea of overlapping eras of time between artists or just people in general.

SSOM: Have the cities you’ve lived in influenced your sound at all? What else has made an impact on your sound?

It’s hard to say.  I think growing up in Brooklyn definitely played some influence in my getting as deep into hip hop as I did at one point.  I can’t say Philadelphia has had much of an influence musically.  Honestly, the biggest things that have impacted my ideas about music are just endless hours looking things up on the internet and reading about different subgenres and artists of all different types, as well as probably digging through crates of vinyl and listening to music completely at random.

SSOM: I’m having a tough time with this one, so help me out. How would you describe the music you make to a complete stranger?

“I recorded myself playing piano, then put samples from records and synthesizers on top of that, and then got a few friends to play a few other instruments on top of that.”

SSOM: With the album taking three years in the making, it potentially has some greater meaning than just creating musical perfection. Care to give readers some insight?

(laughs) Unfortunately I can’t say it does.  Ultimately I just wanted to create something I really loved and was proud of, and then put it out to as many people who would hopefully also love it.

SSOM: Tell me about your creative and recording process. There are so many layers to each song, so which instruments do you start with both in writing and recording?

On the Hectic Zeniths album, 8 of the tracks started as solo piano pieces that were recorded in a studio, then chopped into loops on a computer.  I’ve decided I’m going to start actually writing out notation for the piano pieces in the future, but I mostly had them memorized and would record them in my room so I wouldn’t forget them, and then practice before going to the studio.  I spent a lot of time just saving random samples from records and building up a library.  Then I would go through and find samples I thought were fitting for each piano piece.  The outside instrumentation, guitar, violin, and drums were the last things to be added.

SSOM: Have you had the chance to do any live shows at all? If so, what does the stage setup consist of?

I have some ideas for a live show, but don’t plan on trying to put it together for a while until I have some more material as Hectic Zeniths.

SSOM: Ever considered doing collaboration work with a Hip Hop artist? I think you and I both know that your entire album can hold it’s own, but could complement an MC’s words amazingly.

Definitely, but it would have to be the right MC who I felt was on the same page as me in what we wanted to achieve and I felt would complement my sound well.

SSOM: I’m interested to know what someone as musically diverse as yourself chooses to listen to. What are your top five most played tracks?

The most recent artists I’ve become enamored with are Arthur Russell and Jacaszek.  According to last.fm, my top 5 played tracks in 2011 were:

Balam Acab – “Oh, Why”

Drake – “Dreams Money Can Buy”

Vespertina – “Hugo”

Made In Heights – “Viices”

St. Vincent – “Champagne Year”

Some other artists I listened to a lot in 2011 were The Weeknd, Blue Sky Black Death, Kendrick Lamar, Dimlite, Baths, Grouper, Tori Amos, Burial, Mew, Gold Panda, CunninLynguists, Rustie, How To Dress Well…I finished the album in April and have mostly just been a fan for the rest of the year.

SSOM: What do your students think of their teacher being a musical genius?

Yeesh…I’ve never mentioned anything about creating music in school, at most I’ve said I ‘liked music.’  The artists I’ve heard them talking about are Kanye, Jay-Z, Drake, J Cole, Meek Mill, LMFAO, Adele, and Lady Gaga, so I’m not quite sure I’d fit too easily into that playlist (laughs).

SSOM: Anything else you’d like to add?

The album is out January 10!  If you read this interview you must be sort of interested so make sure to download it or buy a copy!


The full length album was released a day early today on his Bandcamp page and is available on iTunes and Amazon tomorrow. If you like the tracks below, the entire album can be streamed on his SoundCloud page. I suggest a dark room and a pair of headphones once you make the move.

Prepare to lose yourself in a sea of sound,


Hectic Zeniths – I Might Drown [Mediafire]

Hectic Zeniths – Know My List [PurchaseOnly]

Hectic Zeniths – One That Got Away [PurchaseOnly]

Hectic Zeniths – Then And Now [PurchaseOnly]

Where’s the funeral?

9 Nov

Today was a rough day. Friends were in town last night on their way back West on a cross country adventure. Their trip has been incredibly eventful to say the least. It was really good to see a few friendly faces and catch up with them at a bar where shots were two dollars and pitchers only ten. How we managed to spend over a hundred and sixty dollars is beyond me. Somehow I made it back home in time to get ready for school, threw on the first few garments I saw and happened to be decked out in all black.

Don’t make fun of me for this, but I felt pretty badass looking like Jay Z for the day. Made me realize that I haven’t been giving Hip Hop enough love in this space over the past few months. To make up for it, I’ve uploaded two wicked tracks for you wicked folk. Apollo Brown is an incredible producer worth noting. He is a member of The Left, but foremostly a Hip Hop producer and self proclaimed ‘Beat Maker.’ Prometheus Brown is the alter ego of Geologic, the MC of the Seattle duo Blue Scholars. A bit weird how those names work out eh.

Stay cool,


The Left – Desperation (Apollo Brown, Journalist 103, DJ Soko) [Mediafire]

Prometheus Brown – Lookin’ Up ft. Bambu [Mediafire]


Sol – Spliff (Remix by Prometheus Brown, Grynch & Thig Nat) [Mediafire]