Tag Archives: Foster The People

Off to a good start.

2 Jan

I’ve been incredibly happy lately, so here’s some happy-go-lucky indie rock. Unfortunately, I have no time to write a bunch of shenanigans tonight so your beautiful eyes can take a break.

This fivetet was formed about two years ago down in LA and they make good music. That’s really all you need to know.

Smile on,


Grouplove – Don’t Say Oh Well [Mediafire]

Grouplove – Itchin’ On A Photograph [Mediafire]

Grouplove – Tongue Tied [Mediafire]


Foster The People – Pumped Up Kicks (Grouplove Remix) [Mediafire]

Grouplove – Colours (Foster The People Remix) [Mediafire]

I’ll admit that I’m probably kookier than these four.

3 Oct

Last night, studying for my first psychology midterm was a nightmare. I was in desperate need of something to keep me awake, but nothing was to be found. The vending machine in my building was being difficult, I was far too lazy to walk somewhere to acquire caffeine, and I’d stupidly forgotten to bring a french press to my new home. Sadly, the lonely Rockstar Vodka in my fridge was my only option. At least it made things interesting. On a happier note, I have two days off ahead of me, so I think some laid back tuneage is in order after my ridiculous ordeal.

The Kooks have been around for over seven years now, yet they always continue to surprise me. Konk was one of my favourite albums of all time, and now they’ve got a new record for my curious ears. This is not the reason behind my post today though since I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet. The Kooks have a knack for making wicked covers, and here’s a recent BBC Radio 1 recording of them covering this summer’s biggest and most unexpected hit.

For the record, I don’t recommend studying after a neon colored alcoholic beverage,


The Kooks – Pumped Up Kicks (Foster The People Cover) [Mediafire]

Another gem.

The Kooks – Kids (MGMT Cover) [Mediafire]

Ok fine here a few new tracks from Junk Of The Heart.

The Kooks – Is It Me [Mediafire]

The Kooks – Junk Of The Heart (Happy) [Mediafire]

Three for the price of one.

2 Jun

I am still in shock as to how the concert I went to on Tuesday night sold out.

When I first heard that LA based Foster The People were coming to Vancouver, I was ecstatic. I had gotten wind of the fifteen-ish dollar tickets going on sale about three weeks after they were released. I asked a handful of my friends if they’d be interested in coming with me, but only one actually knew who they were and the rest didn’t want to go to a show where they didn’t know the artist. A couple months later, I went back to the record store to get a few more tickets for my now interested friends but only to find that the show was sold out. I couldn’t believe it. When I first bought the tickets and would tell people that I was excited for the concert, they would look at me with a completely blank face, saying that they’d never heard of the group. Now, all I can hear about is how jealous everyone is that I managed to get tickets. Weird.

Needless to say, it was an amazing day of music for me. It started off in the afternoon when a local radio station announced the location of a secret acoustic show. We managed to get down to the closed off and completely packed street in the middle of the rainy city just in time for the short set. Long story short, I seriously hope these guys will consider releasing an acoustic album. They were absolutely phenomenal raw and without all the added synths and electricity.

Several hours later, my friend and I headed to the obviously originally named Venue, and got ourselves comfortable at the front. After a bit of standing around, the crowds started to gather around us. Minutes later, a group of guys who looked like they were straight out of the 80’s walked on stage and the lead singer quietly said “We are The Chain Gang Of 1974.” Once again my day got even better. The group that was now rocking their hearts out on stage are the live version of the music from the incredibly passionate Kamtin Mohager. I don’t think I have ever seen someone with as much energy and love for what they were doing on stage before in my life. Even when I was talking to him after the show, it was blatantly obvious how much he puts into his work and how thankful he was to hear that people enjoy it. Be on the lookout for his upcoming album Wayward Fire that will be released later this month.

The incredible high energy of the show continued as Mark Foster and the gang took to the stage. They opened with the epic song Waste and cycled through their entire album for the duration of their set. One thing that I loved so much about their performance was that nobody ever stood still. Everyone was constantly moving around and playing different instruments, trading off, sharing drums etc. It was really a truly entertaining thing to see. The show ended when the boys decided to leave the stage and come back for an encore to play their incredibly popular tune Pumped Up Kicks. I’m pretty sure that every person in the venue was singing along to it, hopefully knowing that the lyrics aren’t really all that happy.

If Foster The People and TCGO1974 are coming to your city on this tour, I highly suggest you get some tickets ASAP. They were both incredible performers and from the looks of it, on their way to a completely sold out tour.

Gotta love the three for one deals,


The Chain Gang Of 1974 – Matter Of Time

The Chain Gang Of 1974 – Hold On

Foster The People – Pumped Up Kicks (Live Acoustic Session)

Foster The People – Waste

Foster The People – Helena Beat

Double whammy.

29 Apr

André Anjos the musical wonder has done it yet again. He’s taken an awesome artist’s track and put his own spin on it to turn it into something just as glorious as the original. Just a few hours ago he released his remix of Foster The People’s wicked track, Houdini, and as usual, it is completely different from the original sound. Just click the download button and I know it says buy, but it takes you to their website where it is available for free!

This just reminds me how excited I am to see Foster The People on the 31st of May, and how bummed out I am that the Remix Artist Collective have no plans to come to Canada.

If you have no idea who either of these guys are, you can check out their posts here and here.

André, if you’re reading this, I will personally give you a hug and a beer if you come to Vancouver in the near future,


Foster The People – Houdini (RAC Mix)

Here’s the original.

Foster The People – Houdini

Having a bad day?

8 Feb

Then have I got the cure for you. These boys from LA have been popping up all over the internet, taking the indie music scene by force over the past few weeks. Say hello to Foster The People.

They are doubtlessly talented, creating perfect sunny day tunes with simple rhythms and catchy melodies. I am a sucker for whistling. Something about it just adds so much more personality to a song. In their most popular song, ‘Pumped Up Kicks,’ it’s just the icing on the cake.

If you are one of the lucky people who will be attending Coachella this year, you’re more than just lucky. Foster The People has been added to the roster and I have a feeling that they will be amazing live. I unfortunately couldn’t find tickets in time and Vancouver isn’t a stop on their tour this year. I guess I’ll just keep whistling along to myself until they make their way up north.

Stay classy,


Foster The People – Pumped Up Kicks

Foster The People – Helena Beat

Foster The People – Houdini

And here’s a super sweet remix.

I think the cowbell is what makes it so darn catchy.

Foster The People – Pumped Up Kicks (RLYNX Remix)