Tag Archives: Folk

The Staves stole the stage.

31 May

Stop laughing at the stupid title.

Mesmerizing group of three sisters from the UK that I had the privilege of hearing live last weekend. They were opening for Bon Iver, and to be completely honest, I enjoyed their performance more than his ten piece band. Remember when he locked himself in a cabin, grew a wicked beer, and played music on his own that was even more epic?

Reminiscent of Bon Iver‘s For Emma Forever Ago days; soft, subtle guitars and incredible harmonies. Prepare to be covered in goosebumps.


The Staves – Mexico [Purchase]

The Staves – Gone Tomorrow [FreeDownload]

The Staves – The Motherlode [Purchase]


A Big Mac never sounded so good.

20 Dec

Being involved in advertising, music in commercials is a bit of a grey area for me. The majority of the time, brands will choose great songs if an original isn’t made specifically for the ad itself. On the positive side, it gives the artist massive exposure but of course it comes with a cost: the product will be forever embedded in the consumer’s mind when they hear the track. Some guy gets paid to sift through music and choose just the right track. I want that job.

My sister showed me this artist the other day, saying that she heard the song in a McDonald’s advert. I don’t care if this guy reminds me of a Big Mac from here on in, he is utterly phenomenal. This cat is originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, then grew up in Philly, and now lives in Colorado. Naturally, this will shape him to have a certain depth, and my goodness does it show in his music. Everything from the lyrics to the way he casually strums his guitar is incredible and filled with so much passion. Prepare to have your mind blown and heart melted.

Sala kahle,


Gregory Alan Isakov – Big Black Car [Mediafire]

Gregory Alan Isakov – All There Is [Mediafire]

Gregory Alan Isakov – If I Go, I’m Goin [Mediafire]

Gregory Alan Isakov – Master & A Hound [Mediafire]


Here’s his live session with a UK folk radio station that showcases his truthful talent.

Time to get emotional.

21 Nov

I’m in a bit of a rush and have obscene amounts of work on my plate tonight, so I won’t say much here and let the video do the talking. I came across this the other day when I was looking for inspiration for my design book. I have no idea how this came up in regards to what I was searching for, but I am eternally grateful to the Internet gods for sending it my way. This is honestly the most beautiful two minutes of film I’ve ever seen in my life.

Prepare the tissues,


The song is by the incredibly talented Amy Seeley, currently hailing from Oregon. If you ever come across an interview of this gal, take the time to really listen to her opinions on music and how she becomes completely lost in songwriting and music itself. Her latest record is available on her Bandcamp for free, but only for a week. Get it while you can.

Amy Seeley – Mile Marker [ListenOnly]

We need more hours in a day.

7 Nov

Hello internet people. No new groundbreaking music or mass amounts of musically related, quirky, annoying writing this evening unfortunately. Lately I’ve been far too busy with school to tend to my favourite creative outlet. If you could see my list of projects, assignments, presentations, and exams, you would feel my constant stress and sorrow. Time management was never one of my strong points. I guess you could call me a master procrastinator.

Today, one of my friends posted up a track on his Creepbook page. As soon as I heard the first piano stroke, I knew exactly what song was to follow. I had never heard the original before today to be honest, so I simply put on my headphones, closed my eyes, and fell into the most relaxed state I’ve had in the past two months. I can’t tell you how much I needed that, Rich, so thank you. I hope it puts you in a state of much needed calm as it has for me.

I should be studying right now,


We Don’t Eat – James Vincent McMorrow [ListenOnly]

We Don’t Eat – James Vincent McMorrow (Adventure Club Remix) [SoundCloud]

Rain, rain, go away.

21 Sep

Apparently I just can’t escape the rain. If I’m to look out the window of my apartment at this moment, I would think I’m right back at home in Vancouver. As I’m sure you can guess by now, I’m about to roll out some rainy day music.

London based folk artist Elena Tonra, better known as Daughter, is one of my all time favorite young female vocalists. You can read more into this twenty-one year old wonder in my previous post about her from way back in April. She gave us a new song two days ago off her second upcoming EP, The Wild Youth EP, which will be released on November 21st. As usual, she paints a beautiful picture with her soft vocals and her boyfriend’s soft guitar plucking style. Perfect for a cold, dark, rainy day like today.

Come again another day,


Daughter – Love [Soundcloud]