Tag Archives: Edmond Huszar

Dear readers,

30 Nov

I just wanted to take a moment to say a couple things to you.

I would like to apologize for the lack of content on here this past little while. If I had it my way, I would spend my entire day in front of this screen, sharing the music that I love so dearly with all of you. Fact of the matter is that I really don’t have a lot of spare time at this point at my life; more specifically at this exact moment. With finals, final projects, final papers, final presentations, and final shenanigans before going home for the holidays, I’ve barely had time to even sleep. I cannot tell you how much I wish I was kidding about that last comment. Enjoy every last moment in dreamland, for I am implausibly jealous.

The point of this post is to tell you that I most likely won’t be able to post again here until my last exam on December 9th. Which means that the holidays are to proceed. Which means that I will have oodles of time. Which means that you will have an abundance of sweet, tasty tuneage. If I have a moment or two, I’ll throw up a track here and there, but my fingers’ voices won’t accompany them, which I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to hear. Who wants to listen to a geek like me anyways?

So be patient my Internet friends, for I will come back from my zombie state swinging in due time.



Oh, and by the way. No big deal or anything, but my favourite Canadian producer just dropped his new EP about three hours ago Toronto time. His manager was kind enough to send me an advance limited edition copy and a link to preview it a couple nights ago and holy moses did it made my night. I was going to do a review and have it ready to be posted up today instead of the absolute nonsense up above, but I didn’t have enough time to write something spectacular enough to do it justice. Ed’s having his release party on Friday, and this will be the first time I’ll be privileged enough to see him live, so expect a big feature, yet again, and proper review on him this weekend. I know I just went on and on about spare time, but I’d gladly take the time out of my day for a release this good. It is available on his Facebook page for as little or as much as you’d like, so get it before your friends do and you can blow their minds when you show it to them and come across as quite the electroconnoiseur.

For those of you in Toronto, the release party is at Cobra. All the details can be found here. If you show up wearing a homemade somesortofmusic. t-shirt, I swear will buy you drinks for the night and be your BFF. Dead serious.

This is a continuous album, so take some time and listen to it non-stop in one go. Make sure you’re sitting down, because your knees will buckle as a direct cause of the awesomeness.


Five Four Fridays. #6

4 Nov

Why do Thursdays always have to be rowdy? Somehow I always get convinced to go out on Thursday nights despite having class at nine the next morning. This was probably one of the roughest mornings since I’ve been here in Toronto since, if I can recall, we were asleep by about five in the morning. On top of extreme lack of sleep, my phone finally kicked the bucket. It’s weird not being able to be reached so easily, I kind of like it.

Even though I’m most likely staying in tonight to make some headway on my multiple assignments, I’ve got some solid tunes for you all this week. A needle in the haystack of many Ellie remixes, a new remix from an upcoming UK producer, another new amazing remix from a Halifax based producer, the most unique of the many new amazing Happy Violence remixes, and a new original from the always amazing and wonderfully Canadian producer from London, Ontario.

OVERWERK’s manager actually sent me an email yesterday about his new track featured below, perfect timing. As it turns out, Ed was actually commissioned to make ‘Buzzin’ for a group of Norwegian kids. They’re planning on using it as their theme song when they celebrate Russefeiring next May. You can scope out their Facebook page to see what I’m on about.

Anybody have a spare Bell phone to donate?


Ellie Goulding – Lights (Dave Edwards Extended Remix) [SoundCloud]

Deadmau5 – Strobe (Special Features Remix) [Mediafire]

My Internet is incredibly unreliable at the moment, so the link for this track will be up tomorrow.

Dirty South – Alive ft. Thomas Gold & Kate Elsworth (Dezza Remix) [Mediafire]

Justice much?

Dada Life – Happy Violence (Uppermost Remix) [Medaifire]

OVERWERK – Buzzin’ (Original Mix) [SoundCloud]

Five Four Fridays. #2

7 Oct

Ah yes, Thanksgiving. The time of year you get to spend with your family and of course, turkey. This year, I won’t be getting either of those things for the first time in my life. Instead, I have opted to replace them both with copious amounts of beer. I swear I had no other choice.

Kitchener, Ontario, is home of the second largest beer festival in the world aside from the real Oktoberfest in Berlin. The reason why is that Kitchener actually used to be called Berlin. Makes sense right? Either way, after my marketing class, my friends and I will be immediately heading out for what will most certainly be one of the most ridiculous nights of the year. Here are some tracks for you to get ridiculous to as well, or a soundtrack for eating turkey if that’s what you’re into.

Happy Thanksgivin’er everybody,


Check back tomorrow mid afternoon for DL links. Running out of time again here.

Zuri – Trapfield (Neologic Remix) [Mediafire]

Madeon – Anthology (Wolfgang Gartner Mashup) [Mediafire]

Mayon – Might (Original Mix) [Mediafire]

Rabbit Killer & Farleon – Super Game [Mediafire]

And a new track from the amazing local Canadian producer OVERWERK. He always kills it in every genre he sets foot in.

Mac Graham – Midnight (OVERWERK Remix) [SoundCloud]

Five new tracks for Friday.

12 Aug

I’ve decided to spend the majority of my remaining time before moving to Toronto at my cabin on Vancouver island. Even though it’s friday, I can’t quite say I’m in the proper mindset to fire up. I’m in a more, ‘kick back and have a few beers by the fire with some friends’ kind of mood. But, because I know that all of you readers out there are crazy party people, I’ll give you some new tracks to rock out to.

Never stop rockin’ people,


To start things off, we’ve got a few new tracks from the young French electro house duo known as The Noisy Freaks. Charles and Julien have been producing up a storm lately and it is quite easy to tell after hearing their two newest releases. As usual with these guys, be warned that you’ll be heavily banging your head along with the beat in no time.

Yuksek – Extraball (The Noisy Freaks Remix) [Mediafire]

The Noisy Freaks – The Dirty Vader Is Skilling Me (Mashup) [Mediafire]

I can’t tell you how excited I am for this next track to be released. For those of you who have never heard of Al Bizzare, you are not alone. There is virtually no information on them anywhere and most people mistook their most popular track, Fresh Scream, to be the work of a handful of other major artists. All you need to know about these guys is that they are a DJ duo from St. Petersburg, Russia, and everything they crank out is pure electronic bliss.

Al Bizzare – Desire ft. Alateya (Preview)

I honestly think that I don’t need to say anything in regards to this next track…

Linkin Park – Waiting For The End (The Glitch Mob Remix) [Mediafire]

To finish things off for this Friday, I’ll leave you with some homegrown talent from right here in Canada. OVERWERK is a producer from Ontario whom I am a big fan of and cannot wait to get a chance to see live when I move back East in a couple weeks. He’s been pretty quiet lately but had this to say when he dropped this banger the other day: “Sorry for the long absence but I’ve actually been working on so many songs non stop. I want to make sure the EP blows people away, but to tie everyone over here is a NEW REMIX I did of Magic Trooper!” Now, Mord Fustang is one of my favorite producers, and I had yet to hear a proper remix of one of his tracks until this one. Well done Ed, seriously.

Mord Fustang – Magic Trooper (OVERWERK Remix) [Mediafire]

Beers, beavers and bras.

1 Jul

Happy birthday Canada. Since it is this awesome country’s birthday, I will present to you an awesome remix from an incredibly underrated Canadian electronic producer.

I swear that Edmond Huszar aka OVERWERK from London, Ontario, can do no wrong. The song I’ve posted below is a remix that he did of one of The Flight Of The Conchords’ songs. I guarantee that if someone dropped this at a venue, people would still rock out and sing along to the hilarious lyrics, despite them coming from a TV Show. Just have a listen and you’ll start bobbing your head, I guarantee. As usual, he’s enabled free downloading from SoundCloud, so simply click the arrow pointing downwards to snag it.

I had the privilege of interviewing Ed back in April, and if you didn’t get a chance to check it out, you can read it here. I promise it’s worth the read since he had quite a lot to say. Can’t say I wasn’t surprised with the insight coming from such a talent. Hope his talent helps you get your celebration started right.

Happy birthday to the country that invented the modern over the shoulder boulder holder,


(That’s a clever name for a bra)

Flight Of The Conchords – Too Many Dicks (OVERWERK Remix)

Here are a few other essential jams.

Wolfgang Gartner – Space Junk (OVERWERK Remix)

OVERWERK – Over It ft. DJ Mateus

OVERWERK – Feedback ft. Texas King

OVERWERK – I Am London

Andy’s iLL & OVERWERK – Death Electro