Tag Archives: Disco Electro

The Master(s).

28 May

One of the most underrated producers out there, Uppermost, turned me on to Lemâitre, one of the coolest groups I’ve ever come across. All it took was one track for me to go out and find every piece of music they’ve ever made and play it all non stop ever since. Their entire collection cost me less than ten dollars and was worth every single penny.

Pretty hard to pin these two down to one genre. Their music falls into more than one category and certain tracks blitz through multiple genres (you’ll notice especially on Keep Close). The variation of style is incredible, yet some funky, bouncy signature sound remains. Think Happy Funky Glitchy Electro.

Fun Fact: You’ll be surprised to know that despite all the funky, disco, French House vibes, these guys are from Norway.


Top Pics From Relativity 2. (Released May 25th)

Lemâitre – Time To Realize [Purchase]

Lemâitre – Keep Close [Purchase]


A few free tracks.

Lemâitre – The Friendly Sound [FreeDownload]

Lemâitre – Blue Shift [FreeDownload]

Lemâitre – The End (Extended) [FreeDownload]


The track that brought me to them.

Lemâitre – Appreciate (Uppermost Remix) [FreeDownload]


If you want more of their music, head to their SoundCloud page where you’ll find a ton of free releases including the majority of the tracks from Relativity 1 and the entire Friendly Sound EP.

Jam To The Groove. #2

11 Apr

I have literally been staring at a computer screen for over twelve hours. Turning a matchbox into a Creepbook timeline is proving to be a tad bit more difficult than I had once imagined. For a typography class we are to create a sort of paper slinky that is fashioned to illustrate extensive research into a certain typeface or font. I figured, what better way to quickly tell you everything about someone than a Facebook page?

Smack dab in the middle of final assignment and exam period of the semester, it does get pretty hard to stay in high spirits with a mellow mood. If you’re a fellow student, you know exactly what I mean and I for one need something to keep me from losing all hope of survival. Throw on this mixtape and I promise you’ll be jammin’ again in no time. Lots of disco and electro vibes from artists that are well worth checking out on their own. Enjoy.

Well, Wikipedia maybe,




Walter Meego – Forever
Louis La Roche – F.U.B.A.R.
Cee-Lo-Green – Fuck You (Le Castle Vania Remix)
Viceroy – Sunny Daze (Original Mix)
UB40 – Can’t Help Falling In Love (Wheel Wells Remix)

Get the mixtape – jamtothegroove #2 [Mediafire]



A San Francisco producer puts his spin on another SF local and your new favourite band.

Midi Matilda – Day Dreams (MyKill Remix) [Mediafire]

Double Bonus.

The dutch self proclaimed Indiedisco duo released a new track yesterday for the price of nothing.

Keljet – Gotta Be Down [SoundCloud]

Jam To The Groove. #1

14 Mar

I still swear this whole East Coast winter thing is a myth. Either that, or I picked the best year to have a transition of location. This morning after I woke up, I looked out the window, went on my usual rant about my general dislike of socks, and proceeded to step into my shoes au naturelle; my indicator of summer mode. After class I was able to sit by the lake in sandals and have a few wobbly pops to ease into the rest of the day, which carried on in the same general sense.

Needless to say, the afternoon felt like a typical summer day. Naturally, this means that the summer anthems and sunny time tunes are almost ready to be dusted off. Almost. For this mixtape, I put together a few of the tracks that I was jammin’ hard to all day. I can almost guarantee you’ll do the same if you add some Vitamin D.

Summertime is a state of mind,




Starsmith – Lesson One
Louis LaRoche – The Wall (Shook Remix)
Penguin Prison – Don’t Fuck With My Money (City Rain Remix)
Friendly Fires – I Crave Paris (Aeroplane Remix)
Edwin Van Cleef – Lisztomania ft. Jane Hanley (Phoenix Cover)

Get the mixtape – jamtothegroove #1 [Mediafire]

Sorry, I’m still alive.

15 Sep

No, I’m not dead. I’ve just been out of Post-Secondary education for well over a year now, so I had some bad study and work habits to break when starting this degree program. My first assignment of my advertising career was completed by me, half asleep, half hungover, and half an hour before my class started. I’ve got some work to do. As for this blog, I’ll try to keep it as fresh as possible with the time I’m given. Keep an eye out for upcoming interviews with the world renowned producer Lazy Rich, the multi-talented/multi-instrumentalist Kamtin Mohager from The Chain Gang Of 1974, and potentially a few words with the boys from 2Cage; an upcoming electro pop duo from Italy.

In the meantime, New York talent Chris Glover, better known for his music under the name of Penguin Prison, has released a new record. His electro pop, disco influenced style could be compared to other notable artists like Louie Vito of Aeroplane and Chromeo. Trust me, he still has his own unique sound. The first time I heard this cat was in a rework done by none other than André Anjos of The Remix Artist Collective. Since that time, Chris has been remixing up a storm and now producing his own tracks; and doing it well. I swear on my guitar that you’ll be grooving to the beat after only the first five seconds of the first track below.

My guitar’s name is Xcalibur so you know I mean business,


Penguin Prison – Don’t Fuck With My Money [Mediafire]

Penguin Prison – The Worse It Gets [Mediafire]


Penguin Prison – The Worse It Gets (RAC Mix) [Soundcloud]


Kids these days.

12 Jul

Once again I am going to troll on the readers who only follow this blog on weekdays to avoid music that goes ‘unce unce unce.’ This video is just far too good to be kept to myself.

Yesterday Madeon posted up a video of himself making a new track. If you haven’t ever heard of the producer in question, prepare to have your mind blown. Madeon is a now seventeen year old up and comer from Nantes, a city in western France. Yes, you heard me right. Seventeen! Last year he surprised the world with his bouncy, disco influenced style of house music, but it was not until about a month ago when he dropped his remix of Deadmau5′ Raise Your Weapon that the masses started to take notice. Just have a listen and I swear you’ll be just as in awe as the rest of the music scene.



You can hear a few of his other track on his Soundcloud or you can wait and I’ll put up a few of them later this week.