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24 Aug

C’est la vie. I don’t have the time to give this space the love it deserves.

I’ll leave all of the content on this site untouched in the case that this is your first time here. Hopefully still find new sounds. Keep an open ear and remember that music is music, regardless of the medium.


To my loyal followers, you can still follow my Internet adventures elsewhere.

soundsLARGE    |   an exclusively electronic music network, providing readers with legal free downloads and all things EDM.

sandbox.   |   kickstarting my old tumblr into an inspiration blog for school. expect mixtapes…

Change is coming.

26 May

Good music takes time to find.
You want more music.
I have less time.

Solution: somesortofmusic. ver 1.5

Simply changing the post structure. Somewhat because I’m lazy busy, but mostly to make it easier to post more music. Less talk, more rock…. or whatever other sort of music.


Coming soon to a computer screen near you.

Happy Birthday.

7 Feb

Today marks the one year anniversary of this so called blog.

There are many reasons why this place exists. Ever since I can remember, I’ve had my friends barking up my leg for my music. Not the music I created, which was pretty bad for the record, but the music I chose to listen to. Whether it be song suggestions for them, or a hard drive full of albums, I could never give them enough. I always wanted a blog, a place to showcase the soundtrack to my life with the world. Also, I needed another piece for my portfolio for school. Perfect.

The background music in my life is anything but consistent, and consists of everything from Caesars to Coldplay, Sublime to Skrillex, Van Morrison to Van She. Ideally, I want readers to listen to music as I do; with ears wide open and an open mind. One shouldn’t limit themselves to only one genre of music and boycott anything that is a stones throw away from their sacred style. I want to see a hard rock junkie appreciate the energy that a hard hitting electronic track can produce. I want to know that a hip hop hardcore can become lost in the beauty of a piano riff and the flow of a woman’s voice. I want to have a bass head listen to a catchy indie track chorus and tap their foot to the sound of the beat. I want to have an avid music fan listen to a new combination of sound and just say ‘woah.’

I never would have thought these things possible, but the amount of responses my inbox has received would tell me otherwise. Honestly, I couldn’t care less if my posts reached five or five thousand people. If I can make a person’s day with something as simple as a song, my job is done. The fact that the majority of these people are outside of Canada, let alone this continent (thank you creeptastic site stats), is beyond me. The Internet has made this pale blue dot an even smaller neighborhood. To all of those living on this rock and reading this, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to give these artists the credit that they deserve, and the chance to give you some hopefully tasteful tunes.

Looking forwards, I have good news and quite the list of upcoming projects for you folk that I’m working on. I have a fairly large handful of interviews with the up and comers to look out for in 2012, and even one which is the first to ever take place with this guaranteed future super duo. Also, this space is going to undergo a few changes. In spite of recent political events, I can no longer provide samples for you Internet people as the third party site I use is wiping my account clean bi weekly. If the artist provides a track for free, I’ll be sure to include the link. If the artist is signed or charging for the track, I’ll include a purchase link so you can easily get to it. That being said, I’m going to start creating mixtapes. Although these will be less frequent, they will cover multiple artists and genres.

The reason for the switch up is that I’m slowly starting to realize that I’m spending far too much time dabbling in the wrong industry. I spend hours upon hours just sitting here and strictly listening to music, it’s actually a little ridiculous. I keep forgetting that I’m in the advertising field, so I need to turn my focus to my future and spend more time with that. I’m pulling up my socks and acting like a grown up so you guys will most likely be seeing slightly less of me. Relax, I’m still going to probably be procrastinating regularly, meaning there will be a moderately steady stream of music coming your way.

To those of you that are still reading this small essay, thanks again for the year and all the suggestions and submissions you’ve made along the way. I appreciate every last one of them.



This space unintentionally blank.

17 Dec

I’m still alive for those that are still reading after my abstinence from blogging over the past few weeks. All stressful tasks in my life are now officially gone so expect to see this place filling with noise once again as I am finally regaining consciousness. Working on a HUGE post for the rowdy folk for tomorrow, so expect to have enough beats and drops to last you at least a few hours.

Keep on keepin’ on,


Dear readers,

30 Nov

I just wanted to take a moment to say a couple things to you.

I would like to apologize for the lack of content on here this past little while. If I had it my way, I would spend my entire day in front of this screen, sharing the music that I love so dearly with all of you. Fact of the matter is that I really don’t have a lot of spare time at this point at my life; more specifically at this exact moment. With finals, final projects, final papers, final presentations, and final shenanigans before going home for the holidays, I’ve barely had time to even sleep. I cannot tell you how much I wish I was kidding about that last comment. Enjoy every last moment in dreamland, for I am implausibly jealous.

The point of this post is to tell you that I most likely won’t be able to post again here until my last exam on December 9th. Which means that the holidays are to proceed. Which means that I will have oodles of time. Which means that you will have an abundance of sweet, tasty tuneage. If I have a moment or two, I’ll throw up a track here and there, but my fingers’ voices won’t accompany them, which I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to hear. Who wants to listen to a geek like me anyways?

So be patient my Internet friends, for I will come back from my zombie state swinging in due time.



Oh, and by the way. No big deal or anything, but my favourite Canadian producer just dropped his new EP about three hours ago Toronto time. His manager was kind enough to send me an advance limited edition copy and a link to preview it a couple nights ago and holy moses did it made my night. I was going to do a review and have it ready to be posted up today instead of the absolute nonsense up above, but I didn’t have enough time to write something spectacular enough to do it justice. Ed’s having his release party on Friday, and this will be the first time I’ll be privileged enough to see him live, so expect a big feature, yet again, and proper review on him this weekend. I know I just went on and on about spare time, but I’d gladly take the time out of my day for a release this good. It is available on his Facebook page for as little or as much as you’d like, so get it before your friends do and you can blow their minds when you show it to them and come across as quite the electroconnoiseur.

For those of you in Toronto, the release party is at Cobra. All the details can be found here. If you show up wearing a homemade somesortofmusic. t-shirt, I swear will buy you drinks for the night and be your BFF. Dead serious.

This is a continuous album, so take some time and listen to it non-stop in one go. Make sure you’re sitting down, because your knees will buckle as a direct cause of the awesomeness.
