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Music as cool as the musicians look.

25 Aug

Let me just start by apologizing for the lack of music coming out of this space lately. I’ve been incredibly busy and living a frantic and hectic life. I’ve been trying to find time to get everything together for Toronto, get my car ready for hibernation, see friends and family, and find time to soak up a little sun. This track is exactly what I need at a time like this and I’m sure it’s just what you need on a beautiful sunny summer day like this.

This group is a wonderful Canadian gem fronted by a guy by the name of Odario Williams. These guys are originally from the prairies but now reside in Toronto. Odario always wanted to dabble in experimenting with the combination of genres, but just never had enough time to get something started. After the break up of his previous group, Grand Analog was put into motion. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to catch these guys live at one point when I’m there. I sincerely hope this relaxes you as much as it does for me.

Take it easy,


Grand Analog – Take It Slow [Mediafire]