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The Master(s).

28 May

One of the most underrated producers out there, Uppermost, turned me on to Lemâitre, one of the coolest groups I’ve ever come across. All it took was one track for me to go out and find every piece of music they’ve ever made and play it all non stop ever since. Their entire collection cost me less than ten dollars and was worth every single penny.

Pretty hard to pin these two down to one genre. Their music falls into more than one category and certain tracks blitz through multiple genres (you’ll notice especially on Keep Close). The variation of style is incredible, yet some funky, bouncy signature sound remains. Think Happy Funky Glitchy Electro.

Fun Fact: You’ll be surprised to know that despite all the funky, disco, French House vibes, these guys are from Norway.


Top Pics From Relativity 2. (Released May 25th)

Lemâitre – Time To Realize [Purchase]

Lemâitre – Keep Close [Purchase]


A few free tracks.

Lemâitre – The Friendly Sound [FreeDownload]

Lemâitre – Blue Shift [FreeDownload]

Lemâitre – The End (Extended) [FreeDownload]


The track that brought me to them.

Lemâitre – Appreciate (Uppermost Remix) [FreeDownload]


If you want more of their music, head to their SoundCloud page where you’ll find a ton of free releases including the majority of the tracks from Relativity 1 and the entire Friendly Sound EP.

Making up for lost time.

3 May

I’ve been neglecting this space, and especially those who follow it. This was never on purpose, just coming to the sad realization that I’ve been spreading myself far too thin for far too long. On top of life’s usual chaotic shenanigans, I’ve started writing for another site that is dedicated solely to the electronic music scene, limiting my time even more. If you’re a long time follower of this space and haven’t done so already, sign up by email to the right of the page. You won’t ever get spammed with anything, just updates whenever I get around to posting music for your beautiful ears. Now, enough with the whining, on with the music.

Anyone that has taken a gander through the posts on this site would have come across the names RAC and André Allen Anjos numerous times. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out I have a serious music hard on for André and the music he’s been churning out for the past five years. For those that don’t know this guy, he’s been taking remixing a whole other level and literally been transforming other artists’ tracks into an entirely different songs for quite some time. More recently, he’s been working on a completely original album and the debut single was finally released a couple hours ago. For the wickedly catchy perfect summer jam, André teamed up with Chris Glover aka Penguin Prison; the most perfect match imaginable.

You’ll see what I mean the moment you press play,



Click on ‘Buy’ to be redirected to the Green Label Sound website where it can be downloaded for free. The best part is that you can get the track without needing to give your email, provide your Facebook info, like a page, share a link, spam your friends, and contribute to the advertising money making machine known as The Internet. Thanks André, I appreciate it.

RAC – Hollywood ft. Penguin Prison [SoundCloud]


A recent video done by Green Label Sound giving a crash course on The Remix Artist Collective and the idea behind Hollywood.

Jam To The Groove. #2

11 Apr

I have literally been staring at a computer screen for over twelve hours. Turning a matchbox into a Creepbook timeline is proving to be a tad bit more difficult than I had once imagined. For a typography class we are to create a sort of paper slinky that is fashioned to illustrate extensive research into a certain typeface or font. I figured, what better way to quickly tell you everything about someone than a Facebook page?

Smack dab in the middle of final assignment and exam period of the semester, it does get pretty hard to stay in high spirits with a mellow mood. If you’re a fellow student, you know exactly what I mean and I for one need something to keep me from losing all hope of survival. Throw on this mixtape and I promise you’ll be jammin’ again in no time. Lots of disco and electro vibes from artists that are well worth checking out on their own. Enjoy.

Well, Wikipedia maybe,




Walter Meego – Forever
Louis La Roche – F.U.B.A.R.
Cee-Lo-Green – Fuck You (Le Castle Vania Remix)
Viceroy – Sunny Daze (Original Mix)
UB40 – Can’t Help Falling In Love (Wheel Wells Remix)

Get the mixtape – jamtothegroove #2 [Mediafire]



A San Francisco producer puts his spin on another SF local and your new favourite band.

Midi Matilda – Day Dreams (MyKill Remix) [Mediafire]

Double Bonus.

The dutch self proclaimed Indiedisco duo released a new track yesterday for the price of nothing.

Keljet – Gotta Be Down [SoundCloud]

Winter wonderland.

11 Jan

So here I am, back in Toronto in the middle of winter. I look out the window and what do I see? Clear blue skies. Supposedly this never happens and we should all be knee deep in snow and temperatures deep into the negatives. Regardless, I’m giving you folk some lovely winter tunes. No whining, fellow Torontonians.

A little under a year ago, I posted about the British electro trio known as Zoot Woman. If you weren’t following this site way back in the day, you can read the post here. Just the other day, the eccentric group released two tracks as alternate acoustic versions to prior hits. Definitely showcases their talent in an entirely new way and new genre altogether. Save for Snow White; that track was already pretty different from the rest.

The only constant is change,


Zoot Woman – Lonely By Your Side (Acoustic Version) [SoundCloud]

Zoot Woman – Snow White (Acoustic Version) [SoundCloud]

The Originals.

Zoot Woman – Lonely By Your Side [Mediafire]

Zoot Woman – Snow White [ListenOnly]

Off to a good start.

2 Jan

I’ve been incredibly happy lately, so here’s some happy-go-lucky indie rock. Unfortunately, I have no time to write a bunch of shenanigans tonight so your beautiful eyes can take a break.

This fivetet was formed about two years ago down in LA and they make good music. That’s really all you need to know.

Smile on,


Grouplove – Don’t Say Oh Well [Mediafire]

Grouplove – Itchin’ On A Photograph [Mediafire]

Grouplove – Tongue Tied [Mediafire]


Foster The People – Pumped Up Kicks (Grouplove Remix) [Mediafire]

Grouplove – Colours (Foster The People Remix) [Mediafire]