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The Staves stole the stage.

31 May

Stop laughing at the stupid title.

Mesmerizing group of three sisters from the UK that I had the privilege of hearing live last weekend. They were opening for Bon Iver, and to be completely honest, I enjoyed their performance more than his ten piece band. Remember when he locked himself in a cabin, grew a wicked beer, and played music on his own that was even more epic?

Reminiscent of Bon Iver‘s For Emma Forever Ago days; soft, subtle guitars and incredible harmonies. Prepare to be covered in goosebumps.


The Staves – Mexico [Purchase]

The Staves – Gone Tomorrow [FreeDownload]

The Staves – The Motherlode [Purchase]


Be Still Be Quiet. #1

12 Mar

It’s been an amazing past four days. I got an escape from reality as I booked four days off work and completed assignments ahead of time to spend time with friends from out of town and fellow Torontonians. Tomorrow, it’s back to real life so I’ve been spending these past twelve hours doing exactly what I want to do to prepare myself: listen to music. The tracks included below are the ones that have been on highest rotation.

Without further adieu, here is the newest addition to the mixtape family of somesortofmusic. Mixtapes labeled Be Still Be Quiet will contain the music for your moments alone. Basically, collections of softer tracks to play when you’re down and out, falling asleep, or during times of borderline silence. Hopefully they can be put to good use.

Smile on,




Bon Iver – Holocene
Brendan Losch – Someone Has Always Got Someone
Pandit – Pack Your Bags
Benjamin Francis Leftwich – The Boat
Coldplay – Your Love Means Everything Part2

Get the mixtape – bestillbequiet #1 [Mediafire]

If you don’t know, now you know.

25 Jan

I went for a run today. Although most of you may not know it, this is a big deal for me. I am one of the most physically inactive yet interestingly slender people in existence, and I thank my metabolism every day for warding off my terrible habits. While I was coughing up a lung taking a break by the water, a beautiful track came on. I don’t really know how it snuck onto my fast paced playlist, but it did. Every time I hear the song in question, my worries just melt away and I realize that there are some songs that will never cease to amaze me.

The writer of the song is one which you have probably heard one way or another. Although he was born in California, Patrick Watson is a proudly Canadian artist who grew up and still lives in Montreal. His voice is absolutely mesmerizing and his musical ability is utterly endless. He co-wrote and performed with The Cinematic Orchestra on their most popular album and many of you have heard the most popular track, I guarantee it. Regardless, it doesn’t make it any less beautiful. I seriously hope you save the two songs below for a moment of much needed serenity.



Patrick Watson – The Great Escape [Mediafire]

The version I’ve linked for download includes the track That Home which leads into the track below. Enjoy.

The Cinematic Orchestra – To Build A Home ft. Patrick Watson [Mediafire]


The Cinematic Orchestra – To Build A Home ft. Patrick Watson (Liquid Being Remix) [SoundCloud]

Double Bonus.

A short little heartwarming film that uses a Cinematic Orchestra track. For those that are wondering, the song is called Arrival Of The Birds.

Why love?

16 Jan

Yet another beautiful day in paradise. Dirty slush fills the streets. Bitter cold lingers in the air. Deadlines begin to pile up, and certain people from back home couldn’t seem farther away. Alas, there is hope of a happier place. About a month ago I came across a surprisingly unknown band that resides across the border in the Golden State. Now, wouldn’t that be a nice change of scenery?

Y LUV is an LA based quintet of five young USC students. The writers of Earmilk and Sunset In The Rearview, both reputable blogs, said this wickedly catchy group sounds like the creators of the track of Summer 2011; Foster The People. I strongly disagree. When I heard the awesomeness that is their latest single, I immediately thought of The Temper Trap. But just to make things interesting, Freddy’s voice reminds me of the North Carolina born artist Rick Seibold. I’m a big fan of Rick’s older work, so Freddy, that’s a compliment. Y LUV’s infectious and hopeful sound reminds me why I will always have a soft spot for Indie Rock. Keep an eye on these kids, for I sense their tight knit tracks and whistle-able melodies will take them far beyond the confines of California.

Because life is empty without it,


Y LUV – Keep It Rollin’ [Mediafire]

Y LUV – Earthquakes [Mediafire]

Y LUV – Never Touch The Ground [ListenOnly]

Y LUV – Feel Sound [Mediafire]

See what I mean?

Winter wonderland.

11 Jan

So here I am, back in Toronto in the middle of winter. I look out the window and what do I see? Clear blue skies. Supposedly this never happens and we should all be knee deep in snow and temperatures deep into the negatives. Regardless, I’m giving you folk some lovely winter tunes. No whining, fellow Torontonians.

A little under a year ago, I posted about the British electro trio known as Zoot Woman. If you weren’t following this site way back in the day, you can read the post here. Just the other day, the eccentric group released two tracks as alternate acoustic versions to prior hits. Definitely showcases their talent in an entirely new way and new genre altogether. Save for Snow White; that track was already pretty different from the rest.

The only constant is change,


Zoot Woman – Lonely By Your Side (Acoustic Version) [SoundCloud]

Zoot Woman – Snow White (Acoustic Version) [SoundCloud]

The Originals.

Zoot Woman – Lonely By Your Side [Mediafire]

Zoot Woman – Snow White [ListenOnly]