Archive | May, 2012

The Staves stole the stage.

31 May

Stop laughing at the stupid title.

Mesmerizing group of three sisters from the UK that I had the privilege of hearing live last weekend. They were opening for Bon Iver, and to be completely honest, I enjoyed their performance more than his ten piece band. Remember when he locked himself in a cabin, grew a wicked beer, and played music on his own that was even more epic?

Reminiscent of Bon Iver‘s For Emma Forever Ago days; soft, subtle guitars and incredible harmonies. Prepare to be covered in goosebumps.


The Staves – Mexico [Purchase]

The Staves – Gone Tomorrow [FreeDownload]

The Staves – The Motherlode [Purchase]


Goldmember strikes again.

29 May

I love André Allen Anjos and the RAC. Seriously one of my all time favourite artists and collective groups. Everything that he touches instantly turns to gold and this new remix is no exception.

Never heard the original before, but I don’t even care. With every sample sounding as if it came straight from a physical instrument, this could easily be mistaken for the original.

Slightly sad yet somewhat hopeful. Play this track while walking around on a grey summer day. At least you can count on something to put a skip in your stride.


Princeton – Grand Rapids (RAC Remix) [FreeDownload]

The Master(s).

28 May

One of the most underrated producers out there, Uppermost, turned me on to Lemâitre, one of the coolest groups I’ve ever come across. All it took was one track for me to go out and find every piece of music they’ve ever made and play it all non stop ever since. Their entire collection cost me less than ten dollars and was worth every single penny.

Pretty hard to pin these two down to one genre. Their music falls into more than one category and certain tracks blitz through multiple genres (you’ll notice especially on Keep Close). The variation of style is incredible, yet some funky, bouncy signature sound remains. Think Happy Funky Glitchy Electro.

Fun Fact: You’ll be surprised to know that despite all the funky, disco, French House vibes, these guys are from Norway.


Top Pics From Relativity 2. (Released May 25th)

Lemâitre – Time To Realize [Purchase]

Lemâitre – Keep Close [Purchase]


A few free tracks.

Lemâitre – The Friendly Sound [FreeDownload]

Lemâitre – Blue Shift [FreeDownload]

Lemâitre – The End (Extended) [FreeDownload]


The track that brought me to them.

Lemâitre – Appreciate (Uppermost Remix) [FreeDownload]


If you want more of their music, head to their SoundCloud page where you’ll find a ton of free releases including the majority of the tracks from Relativity 1 and the entire Friendly Sound EP.

Prep the repeat button.

27 May

This song just hits all the right notes for me.

Super catchy group of three dudes that met in Boston while attending music college. Seriously simple yet incredibly satisfying. Light popping synths and soft vocals that just make you feel like everything will be ok.

Fans and wallets out there rejoice because Carousel is one of the groups that wants you to be listening to their hard work at no cost to you. Download their last EP for free (which is awesome by the way). No questions asked. Sweet!


Carousel – Let’s Go Home [FreeDownload]

Change is coming.

26 May

Good music takes time to find.
You want more music.
I have less time.

Solution: somesortofmusic. ver 1.5

Simply changing the post structure. Somewhat because I’m lazy busy, but mostly to make it easier to post more music. Less talk, more rock…. or whatever other sort of music.


Coming soon to a computer screen near you.