Archive | January, 2012

Borderline strut.

30 Jan

I swear the gods of education are watching over me. For the past three weeks I’ve been working on an ad campaign for a class. Last night, I received an email from my partner who was physically making the final edition, and any computer illiterate human being could have made it. Somehow we managed to convince the class and prof that it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Walking back home, this happy dance worthy track was on repeat the entire time in my head.

Josh Legg is the man behind the soundtrack to my strut. He’s one of the three members of an LA synthpop group, and this is his solo project. You should check out the rest of his tracks and some of his remixes because he’s definitely got a knack for this sort of thing.

Jam on,


Goldroom – Morgan’s Bay [Mediafire]

Five Four Fridays. #14

27 Jan

I swear that ever since I’ve started having Fridays off, they always feel like Saturdays. I roll out of bed and step out into the world in my laziest attire, expecting to be greeted by a city still half asleep. Wrong. I stand out like a supercar in a small town, but with not nearly such a positive reaction. At least it forces me to pull myself together and get on with my day.  On that note, on with the tuneage.

First up we’ve got a track that my buddy back home brought to my attention. The creator is an eighteen year old producer from way down south in Sydney. Although most his tracks are fairly similar, the guy definitely has talent so it’ll be wicked to see where he goes. Next up is an awesome track from someone whom I know absolutely nothing about. Then we’ve got a remix wizard’s take on the new Rusko single. Up after that is some new stuff to be released on Lazy Rich’s label so you know it’s good. Lastly there is a mind blowing remix of an already insane track. Brace yourself.

Love from your no longer unemployed Internet friend,



Walden – Brightness (Original Mix) [Mediafire]


W&W – Nowhere To Go ft. Bree (Shogun Remix) [Mediafire]


Rusko – Somebody To Love (Aylen Remix) [SoundCloud]

Killagraham – Silence (Original Mix) [PurchaseOnly]


Knife Party – Internet Friends (Poisound Remix) [Mediafire]

Bonus Mix.

Two UVic students with incredible taste in electronic music made yet another awesome monthly mix… for free. Get some.

Fargey & Pasternak – February 2012 Mix [SoundCloud]

Bonus Previews.

Minero – Bi-Polar [ListenOnly]

Wolfgang Gartner – There And Back (Original Mix) [ListenOnly]

If you don’t know, now you know.

25 Jan

I went for a run today. Although most of you may not know it, this is a big deal for me. I am one of the most physically inactive yet interestingly slender people in existence, and I thank my metabolism every day for warding off my terrible habits. While I was coughing up a lung taking a break by the water, a beautiful track came on. I don’t really know how it snuck onto my fast paced playlist, but it did. Every time I hear the song in question, my worries just melt away and I realize that there are some songs that will never cease to amaze me.

The writer of the song is one which you have probably heard one way or another. Although he was born in California, Patrick Watson is a proudly Canadian artist who grew up and still lives in Montreal. His voice is absolutely mesmerizing and his musical ability is utterly endless. He co-wrote and performed with The Cinematic Orchestra on their most popular album and many of you have heard the most popular track, I guarantee it. Regardless, it doesn’t make it any less beautiful. I seriously hope you save the two songs below for a moment of much needed serenity.



Patrick Watson – The Great Escape [Mediafire]

The version I’ve linked for download includes the track That Home which leads into the track below. Enjoy.

The Cinematic Orchestra – To Build A Home ft. Patrick Watson [Mediafire]


The Cinematic Orchestra – To Build A Home ft. Patrick Watson (Liquid Being Remix) [SoundCloud]

Double Bonus.

A short little heartwarming film that uses a Cinematic Orchestra track. For those that are wondering, the song is called Arrival Of The Birds.

Time out.

23 Jan

If I could have one wish, it would be to have the ability to control time. There never seems to be enough of it in life, and especially for my relationship with music. Most of the time I can barely keep up with the world of sound and give this blog the love it deserves. If I had the choice, I’d spend the majority of my day with a dark room and a pair of headphones. Unfortunately, life does not allow such a fantasy for a student.

It’s been an exhausting week, and this week is only going to get busier. The Dada Life show, my program’s annual party, trying my hand at club photography, and increasing amounts of homework have made me become restless again over the weekend. Looking forwards I have interviews with San Francisco’s Midi Matilda, Swedish group The Concept, California’s Act As If, and a couple others that I’m keeping under wraps for now, seeing as I don’t even have the time to formulate the questions I want to ask. If you’re in the same boat as me, take a moment to just relax. Plug in a pair of headphones and tune in to Toronto’s best up and coming Progressive House artist’s take on another well known producer’s track.

First world problems,


Ps, I want to apologize for all MediaFire links up until this Saturday’s post not working anymore. Every file I had on my account was removed in recent political events. I’ll try to get all the files back online once things cool down, but for now I suggest saving your pennies.

Deadmau5 – Community Nap (StrobeHypnoticz Remix) [Mediafire]

Spotlight Saturdays. #8

21 Jan

My absolute favourite thing about music is the effect that it can have on a person. Over the Christmas holidays, I’d received an email with a single track attached to it and only one word; Enjoy. I put it on my new music playlist and took my dog for a walk through the park. When this song came on, it made it a bit hard to keep a slow and steady pace to say the least. The insane drop a few minutes in had me thrashing my body and contorting my face into all sorts of new expressions I didn’t think possible. Kobe-Wolf must have thought I was in the midst of a seizure. Believe you me, the same reaction was had when I showed this to a good friend of mine the other night, and just about any other fire up music fan.

Born in New York City as Scott Albert, now living in Detroit under the name Klayton, and creating music under his most recent alias Celldweller, the creator of this madness is nothing short of an interesting character. He got into the music scene in the late eighties with a metal band, and began experimenting with multiple genres and combinations ever since. Fun fact: He’s even had a project with Criss Angel. His latest project under his current alias is mostly an electronic-rock hybrid. Think of Pendulum to get the same general idea. If there are any aspiring DJs reading, drop this track in an upcoming set. I can guarantee that the crowd would go insane and be more than just impressed. Some sections of the song don’t even have any electronic enhancers, so it would be a pretty balsy move. Trust me when I say this, play this track loud the entire way through the first time you hit the orange button. You won’t be sorry you did.

I wish I was Iron Man,


Metallica & Black Sabbath – Disposable War Pigs (Celldweller Klash-Up) [Mediafire]