I wish I was made out of time.

26 Oct

Between my twenty seven page design book, company rebrand assignment, weekly ad analysis’, psychology scrapbook, typography project, presentation on the Marlboro cowboy, various midterms, and two marketing campaigns, I don’t have a lot of spare time. Who would’ve thought that a degree program would take a lot of work.

Unfortunately, I have an entire folder filled with new music that I’ve been meaning to really have a listen to but haven’t had the chance. If the posts from now until about November 17th are a bit lacking in content I’m truly sorry. I’ll do my best to make sure the music I’m showing you guys is worthwhile, although not as frequent. Luckily, the Remix Artist Collective boys have put out two fresh reworks. I think I’ve talked about these guys enough that I shouldn’t have to bore you with my adoration for their work. Enjoy!

I have never wanted a back rub so much in my life,


Katie Herzig – Free Your Mind (RAC Mix) [SoundCloud]

Death Cab For Cutie – Some Boys (RAC Maury Mix) [ListenOnly]

I’ll have a DL link up for Andrew’s remix when I do Friday’s post.

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