Archive | August, 2011

Another simple song for a sunny day.

31 Aug

As usual, I’m apologizing for the lack of posts lately and providing yet another great  excuse for leaving such big gaps between new music. I’m finally starting to settle into Toronto but I still have a lot of things to get used to; like bags of milk. I kid you not, Ontario sells their milk in bags. All of the folk here make fun of me for thinking it’s such a foreign idea. Since I’m feeling quite a bit more relaxed, let’s give you a tune to suit a laid-back vibe.

David Coles, better known as Kyprios, is the Canadian sensation behind the track in question. He was part of the Vancouver hip hop group Sweatshop Union, but left to pursue his solo career after winning over a hundred thousand dollars in a local radio station’s contest. The track is a cover/bootleg of a track from the seventies by another Canadian group. Honestly, Kyprios has turned the track into an awesome summer jam. If you haven’t heard it before, enjoy. If you have, I know you’ll enjoy it anyways.

I swear I’m not joking about the milk in a bag thing,


Kyprios – Sweet City Woman [Mediafire]

Music as good as their home countries.

26 Aug

I normally don’t particularly like David Guetta and his productions. I don’t want to call him lazy, since he’s managed to become one of the most recognizable names in not only House music, but Pop as well. He’s just gotten to a point in his career where his name slapped on anything makes it an instant hit. When he was here for the massive show at the Convention Center, his set seemed rather boring and as if he simply hit ‘play’ and then faded in and out every once in a while.

Regardless of everything I just said, this new track of his is actually pretty stellar. It is off his forthcoming record, Nothing But The Beat, which is set to be released on Tuesday the 30th. Of course the record will feature a ton of other artists including the talents of the Australian born, oftentimes strange, yet incredibly poetic singer/songwriter Sia.  She is the icing on the cake for this track.

I wonder if I can pull off hippie hair and stubble when I’m 43,


David Guetta – Titanium ft. Sia [Mediafire]


David Guetta – Titanium ft. Sia (Aylen & ThatMoment Remix) [Soundcloud]

Sia – Breathe Me (Butch Clancy Remix) [Mediafire]

Music as cool as the musicians look.

25 Aug

Let me just start by apologizing for the lack of music coming out of this space lately. I’ve been incredibly busy and living a frantic and hectic life. I’ve been trying to find time to get everything together for Toronto, get my car ready for hibernation, see friends and family, and find time to soak up a little sun. This track is exactly what I need at a time like this and I’m sure it’s just what you need on a beautiful sunny summer day like this.

This group is a wonderful Canadian gem fronted by a guy by the name of Odario Williams. These guys are originally from the prairies but now reside in Toronto. Odario always wanted to dabble in experimenting with the combination of genres, but just never had enough time to get something started. After the break up of his previous group, Grand Analog was put into motion. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to catch these guys live at one point when I’m there. I sincerely hope this relaxes you as much as it does for me.

Take it easy,


Grand Analog – Take It Slow [Mediafire]

Song for a rainy day.

22 Aug

Surprise! It’s raining once again in Vancouver. Yep, it definitely feels like summer when I’m freezing cold in my car, trying to de-fog it, without a jacket because I shipped them all back East this weekend. It’s funny to think that yesterday I was fighting sweat all day long.

Don’t ask me why, but I thought that LA quintet The Ross Sea Party’s latest track was suitable for a day like today.

I think by nature Vancouverites are always unhappy with the weather,


The Ross Sea Party – Broken Arrows [Mediafire]

Music to make up for my tomfoolery.

18 Aug

Well folks, I’m here at my family cabin in Port Alberni on Vancouver island. For whatever reason, it is quite difficult to find good beer here in this pocket of the West coast. The local wobbly pop of choice is Lucky beer, and that doesn’t quite fly with me. Thankfully, a few of my father’s old friends from university came up to join us here and one of them is quite the beer connoisseur and took to filling our fridge full of proper brewskies. Long story short, I’ve been getting my fix and it is making typing quite difficult.

For fear of embarrassing myself, I’m simply going to say that these boys from New Orleans can play some sweet tunes; not to mention that one of them bears one of the sweetest first names of all time. Grant and Ted were the founding fathers of the group, The Eames Era, who were actually quite a big deal up until their break up three years ago. The duo has continued on with providing the world with wicked music for the past two years. That is all.

Thank goodness for auto correct,


Generationals – Greenleaf [Mediafire]

Generationals – Trust [Mediafire]

Generationals – Ten- Twenty-Ten [Mediafire]