A blissful mix.

30 Jun

I usually save sharing electronic music with you beautiful readers for the weekend, but I have to make an exception. Since this is a long weekend, making this technically Friday, and this track is brand new, I hope you won’t complain.

The Glitch Mob trio released a new track from their upcoming record earlier this afternoon, and they are offering it to you for free. Along with getting the song for the cost of a simple email address, they will enter you in a contest. Sweet deal! They posted the following on their official website to let the lovely internet folk know what’s going on. You can either click the link to get it, or you can get it below if you’re lazy or have a problem with giving strangers your virtual mailing address.

We are excited to partner with Lollapalooza to offer a free download of our new song ‘Warrior Concerto’ from the upcoming ‘We Can Make The World Stop EP’, dropping July 12th.

CLICK HERE to download the track for free now!

In addition to the free download, you will be automatically entered in a contest to win Lollapalooza passes, watch our performance from the side of the stage, and take home a bundle of gear.

I want to more know what’s in this bundle of gear,


The Glitch Mob – Warrior Concerto [Mediafire]

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