Archive | June, 2011

A blissful mix.

30 Jun

I usually save sharing electronic music with you beautiful readers for the weekend, but I have to make an exception. Since this is a long weekend, making this technically Friday, and this track is brand new, I hope you won’t complain.

The Glitch Mob trio released a new track from their upcoming record earlier this afternoon, and they are offering it to you for free. Along with getting the song for the cost of a simple email address, they will enter you in a contest. Sweet deal! They posted the following on their official website to let the lovely internet folk know what’s going on. You can either click the link to get it, or you can get it below if you’re lazy or have a problem with giving strangers your virtual mailing address.

We are excited to partner with Lollapalooza to offer a free download of our new song ‘Warrior Concerto’ from the upcoming ‘We Can Make The World Stop EP’, dropping July 12th.

CLICK HERE to download the track for free now!

In addition to the free download, you will be automatically entered in a contest to win Lollapalooza passes, watch our performance from the side of the stage, and take home a bundle of gear.

I want to more know what’s in this bundle of gear,


The Glitch Mob – Warrior Concerto [Mediafire]

I could be wrong, but I’m never wrong.

29 Jun

I was not expecting last night’s Dirty South show to be as rowdy as it was. I’ll tell you more about it on the weekend, since the music would be more appropriate then. It is only Wednesday, so I think it’s fair that we keep things mellow for the time being.

Speaking of all things mellow, the trio from Illinois have done it yet again. Hey Champ released their four track EP titled Anything At All last month, and the new single is by far my new favorite of their songs. I think this EP and anything that they will be releasing in the future will have a bit more depth and maturity compared to the rest of their work. Don’t get me wrong, it will still be bouncy, upbeat, deadly catchy, and perfect for summer tuneage, but it will be a bit more heartfelt. Then again, I could also be talking out of my behind.

You be the judge,


Hey Champ – Anything At All [Mediafire]

Get your swagger ready.

28 Jun

Last week I got an email from some dude, somewhere, named Sean, containing the song that I am about to share with you. He said that this is the second best song to jam to whilst walking down the street since The Virgins’ Rich Girls takes the cake on that one. I’ve been searching around for any information on these guys, but the only thing I could find was this sweet little anecdote that I’ve posted below. I hope you find this song as awesome as I do.

On May 13th, 1982, an atmospheric anomaly off the coast of Goza Shirahama beach in Mie, Japan produced a thick mist which, for a short time, made it impossible to see the ocean. In interviews held later that year, the government would claim that this bizarre weather was result of an chemical fire at a petroleum plant some miles down the coast. The local fishermen would tell a very different story. Fujiwara Kamatari recalls “three brilliant flashes of light descending from the sky in sequence.” That day, shrouded in mystery, eventually faded into folklore and popular mythology.

In reality, May 13th marked the arrival of the Frontier Brothers from Neptune, where they had been incubating for seven thousand years. These space soldiers were sent to earth to protect humanity from certain disaster. Fully aware of the skeptical nature of earthlings, The Frontier Brothers wove the secrets of space into the greatest and most important rock songs of all time. Now, in the year 2008, The Frontier Brothers have finally made their presence known. Marshall Galactic, Travis Newman, and Moses are embarking on the ultimate invasion of the planet – a preemptive measure calculated to destroy the forces of evil which have been amassing their power. In short: The Frontier Brothers are your friends.

Excuse me while I strut right down to the Dirty South DJ set tonight,


The Frontier Brothers – The Strut [Mediafire]

Level up.

27 Jun

André Anjos and the Remix Artist Collective have done it yet again. Back in ’08, they released a four song set remixing old video game tracks. Last night they released the second installment with twice as many songs. I’m a sucker for 8-bit noises and tunes, but the fact that I used to play the majority of these games makes it so much sweeter.

As usual, they have made it available for free download. Simply click the download button or the arrow pointing downwards each track you’d like to have.

Geeks around the world rejoice,


Here are a couple other recent jams worth snagging.

Noah And The Whale – Tonight The Kind Of Night (RAC Mix)

RAC – Modular Records Mixtape

What sound does a dubstep turkey make?

24 Jun

Why does rain in Vancouver need to be more than just a cliche, but a meteorological reality?

I mean, it’s officially summer now, but yet I look outside and all I can see is my own breath and a torrential downpour. I was really looking forwards to having a drink or seven outside before heading into the city for the insanity that will be taking place at Celebrities tonight with DJ Feed Me. I’ve gotta say, since this rain isn’t looking like it’s going to quit, it’s going to be hard to get everyone as fired up as they’ll need to be. As a cause of this, I have no choice but to bring out my somewhat strange and often times confused friend, Dubstep.

The answer is wobble wobble if you couldn’t figure that one out,


Mord Fustang – Lick The Rainbow (Full Track) [Mediafire]

Swedish House Mafia – Save The World (Cazzette Remix) [Mediafire]

Flight Facilities – Crave You (Adventure Club Remix) [Mediafire]

Kid Cudi – Cudi Zone (KillaGraham Remix) [Mediafire]

Plan B – The Recluse (Nero Remix) [Mediafire]

And one more because I’m so stoked for this show tonight.

Feed Me – Strange Behaviour ft. Tasha Baxter [Mediafire]